大学院 工学研究科 博士後期課程 知能情報システム工学専攻 教授
大学院 工学研究科 修士課程 電子情報工学専攻 教授
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ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 計測工学
エネルギー / プラズマ応用科学
ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 計測工学 / 合成開口レーダ、電磁波計測、レーザレーダ
社会基盤(土木・建築・防災) / 安全工学 / レーダによる移動体検出
エネルギー / プラズマ科学
筑波大学 第一学群 自然学類
1992年4月 - 1996年03月
筑波大学 理工学研究科 理工学専攻
1996年3月 - 1998年03月
国名: 日本国
筑波大学 工学研究科 物理工学専攻
1998年4月 - 2001年03月
2001年3月 筑波大学大学院 博士課程 工学研究科 物理工学専攻 修了
2011- 自然科学研究機構 核融合科学研究所 客員准教授 兼任
2011年 - 2013年
2001-2009 九州大学産学連携センター
2024年1月 - 現在
電気通信学会 一般会員
Visualizing Small Objects Using Amplitude-Modulated Laser Light at Microwave Frequencies
Kogi Y., Kimura N., Ikezi H., Inutake M., Mase A.
Applied Sciences (Switzerland) 12 ( 19 ) 2022年10月
担当区分:筆頭著者, 最終著者, 責任著者 出版者・発行元:Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
We reported on laboratory imaging experiments conducted using a system that utilizes amplitude-modulated infrared laser light at microwave frequencies. With modulations ranging from 11.1 to 15.1 GHz on a 1.55 μm near-infrared laser, the phase measurements of the modulation signals revealed a target shape with sub-mm precision. We also tested whether our system is able to achieve cross-range resolution in the spot-light mode synthetic aperture scheme. With the aid of “position-compensated signal processing”, synthetic aperture images were formed successfully. According to predications based on the principle of normal synthetic aperture radar, the spatial resolutions of the images were shown to be inversely proportional to the width of the collected data placed in the wavenumber space.
DOI: 10.3390/app12199836
Throughput improvement and evaluation of a laser radar with a high-speed sweep oscillator 査読
Narumi Kimura; Yuichiro Kogi; Atsushi Mase; Hiroyuki Ikezi; Masaaki Inutake
2020 6th International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology (ICEAST) 2020年7月
Development of the calibration method for the multi-channel sea-tide measurement radar
Gondo I., Kogi Y., Mase A., Ikezi H., Inutake M.
Proceedings - 2020 6th International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology, ICEAST 2020 2020年7月
担当区分:責任著者 出版者・発行元:Proceedings - 2020 6th International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology, ICEAST 2020
We studied the calibration method for the sea-tide level multi-channel measurement radar. The sea-tide level is estimated by the increment rate of the phase in each channel. Calibration data were measured directly in the lab and applied to raw radar data. Calibrated data were confirmed to be used to estimate the target height. Drawing on the calibration data analysis, we estimated our height measurement to have a 6.5 cm resolution.
Non-Contact and Non-Invasive Driver's Monitor Using Microwave Reflectometer 査読
A. Mase, Y. Kogi, T. Maruyama, T. Tokuzawa, M. Kunugita, T. Koike, and H. Hasegawa
Progress In Electromagnetics Research M ( 90 ) 89 - 97 2020年3月
Mase A., Kogi Y., Maruyama T., Tokuzawa T., Sakai F., Kunugita M., Koike T., Hasegawa H.
Review of Scientific Instruments 91 ( 1 ) 2020年1月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
In this paper, we present noncontact and noninvasive vital signal detection using a microwave reflectometer. Elimination of noise components due to random movement of human subjects has been the biggest issue for microwave measurement. Appropriate filtering, amplitude control of the reflectometer signal, and cross correlation among multiple reflectometers together with new algorithms have enabled motion artifact elimination, signal peak detection, and data processing for various parameters related to heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV). We focus here on the real time measurements of instantaneous HR and HRV for practical use. The evaluation by microwave reflectometry is completely noninvasive and feasible even through clothing, which is extremely effective for health maintenance in daily life as well as for preventing sudden death related to, for example, coronary heart disease and ventricular arrhythmia.
DOI: 10.1063/1.5128959
Non-contact and real-time measurement of heart rate and heart rate variability using microwave reflectometry 査読
A. Mase,, Y. Kogi, T. Maruyama,, T. Tokuzawa, F. Sakai, M. Kunugita, T. Koike, and H. Hasegawa
Review of Scientific Instruments ( 91 ) 014704 2020年1月
Development and calibration of a prototype radar for sea-tide level measurement
Nakazono R., Noda R., Kaneko D., Takeuchi Y., Kogi Y., Mase A., Ikezi H., Inutake M.
ICEAST 2018 - 4th International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology: Exploring Innovative Solutions for Smart Society 2018年8月
出版者・発行元:ICEAST 2018 - 4th International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology: Exploring Innovative Solutions for Smart Society
We developed a prototype radar for sea-tide level measurement. The radar was evaluated in a laboratory room. It was confirmed that the radar could detect the change in the position of a target with a resolution of <1 mm. We also evaluated the phase-detection performance of scattered waves in an anechoic chamber and confirmed that the phase profiles measured at vertically different antenna positions agree well with theoretical calculations.
Real-time evaluation of heart rate and heart rate variability using microwave reflectometry
Mase A., Kogi Y., Maruyama T.
IMBioc 2018 - 2018 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference 160 - 162 2018年8月
出版者・発行元:IMBioc 2018 - 2018 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference
This paper presents noncontact measurement of vital signals using microwave reflectometry. Elimination of the spurious component due to random movement of human subject has been the biggest problem for microwave measurement. Auto-gain control of the receiver, template matching and cross-correlation technique among multiple reflectometers enable motion artifact elimination, signal peak detection, and data processing for various parameters. We focus here on the real-time measurements of heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV). Those measurements are performed by both reflectometer and conventional electrocardiograph (ECG) for each other comparison. The evaluation of HR and HRV using microwave reflectometry is completely noninvasive and feasible even through clothing, which is extremely effective to daily life and driver's monitoring.
Development and Calibration of a Prototype Radar for Sea-Tide Level Measurement 査読
Ryota Nakazono; Ryusei Noda; Daisuke Kaneko; Yasuhiro Takeuchi; Yuichiro Kogi; Atsushi Mase; Hiroyuki Ikezi, Masaaki Inutake
2018 International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences, and Technology (ICEAST) 2018年7月
Real-Time Evaluation of Heart Rate and Heart Rate Variability Using Microwave Reflectometry 査読
Atsushi Mase; Yuichiro Kogi; Totu Maruyama
2018 IEEE International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC) 2018年6月
Development and application of radar reflectometer using micro to infrared waves 査読
A. Mase, Y. Kogi, D. Kuwahara, Y. Nagayama, N. Ito, T. Maruyama, H. Ikezi, X. Wang, M. Inutake, T. Tokuzawa, J. Kohagura, M. Yoshikawa, S. Shinohara, A. Suzuki, F. Sakai, M. Yamashika, B. J. Tobias, C. Muscatello, X. Ren, M. Chen, C. W. Domier, N. C. Luhmann, Jr.
Advances in Physics: X 3 ( 1 ) 633 - 675 2018年6月
Development and application of radar reflectometer using micro to infrared waves
Mase A., Kogi Y., Kuwahara D., Nagayama Y., Ito N., Maruyama T., Ikezi H., Wang X., Inutake M., Tokuzawa T., Kohagura J., Yoshikawa M., Shinohara S., Suzuki A., Sakai F., Yamashika M., Tobias B.J., Muscatello C., Ren X., Chen M., Domier C.W., Luhmann N.C.
Advances in Physics: X 3 ( 1 ) 634 - 676 2018年1月
出版者・発行元:Advances in Physics: X
Progress in microwave and millimeter-wave technologies has made possible advanced diagnostics for application to various fields, including radio astronomy, alien substance detection, plasma diagnostics, airborne and space-borne imaging radars called as synthetic aperture radars, and living body measurements. Transmission, reflection, scattering, and radiation processes of electromagnetic waves are utilized as diagnostic principles. The diagnostics are classified as active and passive systems. Specifically, active radar reflectometry has become of importance in various applications due to the possibility of high localization and accessibility of the measurements as well as the non-invasive nature of the systems. In this paper, recent development and application of radar reflectometers are described. The key words are profile reflectometry, fluctuation reflectometry, imaging radar (optics imaging and synthetic aperture imaging), and radio-optics fusion technology in order to improve the spatial resolution.
Study of imaging radar using ultra-wideband microwave-modulated infrared laser 査読
A.Mase, Y. Kogi, H. Ikezi, M. Inutake, X.Wang
Proc. 2016 SPIE 9973 ( 99730G ) 1 - 6 2016年10月
Kogi Y., Higashi T., Tamura N., Tsuchiya H., Kuwahara D., Nagayama Y., Mase A., Takehara K., Tokuzawa T.
Journal of Instrumentation 11 ( 1 ) 2016年1月
出版者・発行元:Journal of Instrumentation
Turbulence measurement is important in the study of plasma confinement. We developed a multi-channel correlation electron cyclotron emission (cECE) radiometer system, using an existing conventional ECE radiometer system (RADH) on a large helical device (LHD). The signal received by the RADH was split and fed to our cECE system, and then electron temperatures at three separate radial positions were measured by resolving frequency component with three narrow (200 MHz) band-pass filters. Data taken by the cECE system were compared with those taken by the RADH system. Turbulence-like signals below 10 kHz were detected by the cECE measurement using coherence analysis, but were not detected by RADH measurement. We considered this to be due to differences in the radial separation length between the two channels and in the radial measurement depth of each channel. The cECE system was able to detect higher frequency turbulence because its separation length and measurement depth in the radial direction was shorter than the correlation length of the turbulence.
Observation of electron temperature turbulence with correlation electron cyclotron emission radiometer on LHD 査読
Y. Kogi, T. Higashi, N. Tamura, H. Tsuchiya, D. Kuwahara, Y. Nagayama, A. Mase, K. Takehara, T. Tokuzawa
J. Instrum. (JINST) 11 ( C01072 ) 1 - 9 2016年1月
Study of imaging radar using ultra-wideband microwave-modulated infrared laser
Mase A., Kogi Y., Ikezi H., Inutake M., Wang X.
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 9973 2016年
出版者・発行元:Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
In this paper, we present an ultra-wideband microwave-modulated laser radar which is designed and fabricated for improvement of the spatial resolution both in the range direction and the azimuth direction. The amplitude modulation in a range of 0.01-18 GHz is applied to an infrared laser source of 1550 nm wavelength. The frequency and the bandwidth are assigned by the Administration of Radio under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan. However, there is no bandwidth limitation in the infrared region. Considering the influence of radiation pattern for microwave antennas case, there is no side lobe in laser beam transmission. Ambiguous signal and interferences which are returned from the ground can be suppressed. A prototype of laser-radar system with a fiber collimator for both transmitting and receiving optics has been fabricated. A vector network analyzer is used to obtain S21 signal between the microwave modulation input and that of received signal. The system is, at first, applied to the measurement of the distance (position) of an object. It is proved that the spatial resolution is less than 1 cm during 5-10 m. As an initial experiment, we have succeeded to obtain 3D image of object by scanning a laser beam in two dimensions.
DOI: 10.1117/12.2236326
Development of local oscillator integrated antenna array for microwave imaging diagnostics
Kuwahara D., Ito N., Nagayama Y., Tsuchiya H., Yoshikawa M., Kohagura J., Yoshinaga T., Yamaguchi S., Kogi Y., Mase A., Shinohara S.
Journal of Instrumentation 10 ( 12 ) 2015年12月
出版者・発行元:Journal of Instrumentation
Microwave imaging diagnostics are powerful tools that are used to obtain details of complex structures and behaviors of such systems as magnetically confined plasmas. For example, microwave imaging reflectometry and microwave imaging interferometers are suitable for observing phenomena that are involved with electron density fluctuations; moreover, electron cyclotron emission imaging diagnostics enable us to accomplish the significant task of observing MHD instabilities in large tokamaks. However, microwave imaging systems include difficulties in terms of multi-channelization and cost. Recently, we solved these problems by developing a Horn-antenna Mixer Array (HMA), a 50 - 110 GHz 1-D heterodyne- type antenna array, which can be easily stacked as a 2-D receiving array, because it uses an end-fire element. However, the HMA still evidenced problems owing to the requirement for local oscillation (LO) optics and an expensive high-power LO source. To solve this problem, we have developed an upgraded HMA, named the Local Integrated Antenna array (LIA), in which each channel has an internal LO supply using a frequency multiplier integrated circuit. Therefore, the proposed antenna array eliminates the need for both the LO optics and the high-power LO source. This paper describes the principle of the LIA, and provides details about an 8 channel prototype LIA.
Development of a Multi-Channel Horn Mixer Array for Microwave Imaging Plasma Diagnostics
Ito N., Kuwahara D., Nagayama Y., Yoshikawa M., Kohagura J., Sugito S., Mase A., Kogi Y., Yoshinaga T., Yamaguchi S.
Plasma and Fusion Research 10 1 - 4 2015年
出版者・発行元:Plasma and Fusion Research
Microwave to millimeter-wave diagnostics techniques, such as interferometry, reflectometry, scattering, and radiometry, have been powerful tools for diagnosing magnetically confined plasmas. The resultant measurements have clarified several physics issues, including instability, wave phenomena, and fluctuation-induced transport. Electron cyclotron emission imaging has been an important tool in the investigation of temperature fluctuations, while reflectometry has been employed to measure plasma density profiles and their fluctuations. We have developed a horn-antenna mixer array (HMA), a 50 - 110 GHz 1D antenna array, which can be easily stacked as a 2D array. This article describes an upgrade to the horn mixer array that combines well-characterized mixers, waveguide-to-microstrip line transitions, intermediate frequency amplifiers, and internal local oscillator modules using a monolithic microwave integrated circuit technology to improve system performance. We also report on the use of a multi-channel HMA system.
A novel frequency-multiplied interferometer system with 1-D horn-antenna mixer array in the GAMMA 10/PDX end divertor module 査読
X. Wang, S. Kanno, J. Kohagura, M. Yoshikawa, Y. Shima, Y. Nakashima, M. Sakamoto, K. Oki, T. Imai, M. Ichimura, Y. Nagayama, D. Kuwahara, A. Mase
Trans. Fusion Sci. Technol. 68 ( 178 ) 2015年
Validation experiment of a numerically processed millimeter-wave interferometer in a laboratory
Kogi Y., Higashi T., Matsukawa S., Mase A., Kohagura J., Nagayama Y., Kawahata K., Kuwahara D., Yoshikawa M.
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 ( 11 ) 2014年11月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
We propose a new interferometer system for density profile measurements. This system produces multiple measurement chords by a leaky-wave antenna driven by multiple frequency inputs. The proposed system was validated in laboratory evaluation experiments. We confirmed that the interferometer generates a clear image of a Teflon plate as well as the phase shift corresponding to the plate thickness. In another experiment, we confirmed that quasi-optical mirrors can produce multiple measurement chords; however, the finite spot size of the probe beam degrades the sharpness of the resulting image.
DOI: 10.1063/1.4893430
Kuwahara D., Ito N., Nagayama Y., Yoshinaga T., Yamaguchi S., Yoshikawa M., Kohagura J., Sugito S., Kogi Y., Mase A.
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 ( 11 ) 2014年11月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
A new antenna array is proposed in order to improve the sensitivity and complexity of microwave imaging diagnostics systems such as a microwave imaging reflectometry, a microwave imaging interferometer, and an electron cyclotron emission imaging. The antenna array consists of five elements: a horn antenna, a waveguide-to-microstrip line transition, a mixer, a local oscillation (LO) module, and an intermediate frequency amplifier. By using an LO module, the LO optics can be removed, and the supplied LO power to each element can be equalized. We report details of the antenna array and characteristics of a prototype antenna array. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.
DOI: 10.1063/1.4885471
Kuwahata A., Igami H., Kawamori E., Kogi Y., Inomoto M., Ono Y.
Physics of Plasmas 21 ( 10 ) 2014年10月
出版者・発行元:Physics of Plasmas
We report the observation of electromagnetic radiation at high harmonics of the electron cyclotron frequency that was considered to be converted from electrostatic waves called electron Bernstein waves (EBWs) during magnetic reconnection in laboratory overdense plasmas. The excitation of EBWs was attributed to the thermalization of electrons accelerated by the reconnection electric field around the X-point. The radiative process discussed here is an acceptable explanation for observed radio waves pulsation associated with major flares.
DOI: 10.1063/1.4900872
Validation experiment of a numerically processed millimeter-wave interferometer in a laboratory 査読
Y. Kogi1, T. Higashi, S. Matsukawa, A. Mase, J. Kohagura, Y. Nagayama, K. Kawahata, D. Kuwahara and M. Yoshikawa
Review of Scientific Instrumens 85 ( 11D411 ) 2014年9月
Synthetic aperture radar using ultra-wideband microwave-modulated laser
Wang X., Mase A., Ikezi H., Inutake M., Kogi Y., Uchino K.
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 28 ( 11 ) 1275 - 1281 2014年7月
出版者・発行元:Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications
Ultra-wideband microwave-modulated laser radar is designed and fabricated for the improvement of spatial resolution both in the range and in the azimuth directions. The frequency modulation (1-18 GHz chirp) is applied to an infrared laser source in 1550 nm wavelength. A prototype of laser radar system with a beam expander has been constructed and applied to the measurement of the distance (position) of an object. In the experiment, it has been proved that the spatial resolution in the range direction is less than ±2 cm. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.
Development of horn antenna mixer array with internal local oscillator module for microwave imaging diagnostics 査読
D. Kuwahara, N. Ito, Y. Nagayama, T. Yoshinaga, S. Yamaguchi, M. Yoshikawa, J. Kohagura, S. Sugito, Y. Kogi and A. Mase
Review of Scientific Instrumens 85 ( 11D805 ) 2014年7月
Synthetic aperture radar using ultra- wideband microwave-modulated laser 査読
Xiaolong Wang, Atsushi Mase, Hiroyuki Ikezi, Masaaki Inutake, Yuichiro Kogi, Kiichiro Uchino
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 28 ( 11 ) 1275 - 1281 2014年5月
Development of spotlight mode SAR "Live SAR" for flood area surveillance
Kogi Y., Ikezi H., Mase A., Ito N., Sato M., Suzuki A., Sakai F., Mizukami S., Kamewari K., Inutake M.
Conference Proceedings of 2013 Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, APSAR 2013 257 - 260 2013年12月
出版者・発行元:Conference Proceedings of 2013 Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, APSAR 2013
We have developed spotlight mode SAR called Live SAR for flood area surveillance. Live SAR has many feature for flexible measurement. The radar system is enough light to mount on small plane, and is able to take an image of various area with an antenna on a gimbal. Live SAR can control by an easy user interface software, and can automatically outputs very high-resolution image (0.1 m) within few tens of seconds. Live SAR has been tested both on ground and helicopter in Fukuoka and Utsunomiya area which include river and sea water, and could successfully generate high resolution image. It is confirmed that the water area looks dark due to a low radar cross section. We could take some such an image to estimate the water area and water volume. As well as fixed target image, moving target has been also detected. This feature will become very important to detect the water flow direction and people refuge. © 2013 IEICE.
Kwak J.G., Oh Y.K., Yang H.L., Park K.R., Kim Y.S., Kim W.C., Kim J.Y., Lee S.G., Na H.K., Kwon M., Lee G.S., Ahn H.S., Ahn J.W., Bae Y.S., Bak J.G., Bang E.N., Chang C.S., Chang D.H., Chen Z.Y., Cho K.W., Cho M.H., Choi M., Choe W., Choi J.H., Chu Y., Chung K.S., Diamond P., Delpech L., Do H.J., Eidietis N., England A.C., Ellis R., Evans T., Choe G., Grisham L., Gorelov Y., Hahn H.S., Hahn S.H., Han W.S., Hatae T., Hillis D., Hoang T., Hong J.S., Hong S.H., Hong S.R., Hosea J., Humphreys D., Hwang Y.S., Hyatt A., Ida K., In Y.K., Ide S., Jang Y.B., Jeon Y.M., Jeong J.I., Jeong N.Y., Jeong S.H., Jin J.K., Joung M., Ju J., Kawahata K., Kim C.H., Kim H.S., Kim H.S., Kim H.J., Kim H.K., Kim H.T., Kim J.H., Kim J., Kim J.C., Kim J.S., Kim J.H., Kim K.M., Kim K.J., Kim K.P., Kim M.K., Kim S.T., Kim S.W., Kim Y.J., Kim Y.K., Kim Y.O., Ko J.S., Ko W.H., Kogi Y., Kolemen E., Kong J.D., Kwak S.W., Kwon J.M., Kwon O.J., Lee D.G., Lee D.R., Lee D.S., Lee H.J., Lee J., Lee J.H., Lee K.D., Lee K.S., Lee S.H., Lee S.I.
Nuclear Fusion 53 ( 10 ) 2013年10月
出版者・発行元:Nuclear Fusion
Since the first H-mode discharges in 2010, the duration of the H-mode state has been extended and a significantly wider operational window of plasma parameters has been attained. Using a second neutral beam (NB) source and improved tuning of equilibrium configuration with real-time plasma control, a stored energy of Wtot ∼ 450 kJ has been achieved with a corresponding energy confinement time of τE ∼ 163 ms. Recent discharges, produced in the fall of 2012, have reached plasma βN up to 2.9 and surpassed the n = 1 ideal no-wall stability limit computed for H-mode pressure profiles, which is one of the key threshold parameters defining advanced tokamak operation. Typical H-mode discharges were operated with a plasma current of 600 kA at a toroidal magnetic field BT = 2 T. L-H transitions were obtained with 0.8-3.0 MW of NB injection power in both single- and double-null configurations, with H-mode durations up to ∼15 s at 600 kA of plasma current. The measured power threshold as a function of line-averaged density showed a roll-over with a minimum value of ∼0.8 MW at . Several edge-localized mode (ELM) control techniques during H-mode were examined with successful results including resonant magnetic perturbation, supersonic molecular beam injection (SMBI), vertical jogging and electron cyclotron current drive injection into the pedestal region. We observed various ELM responses, i.e. suppression or mitigation, depending on the relative phase of in-vessel control coil currents. In particular, with the 90° phase of the n = 1 RMP as the most resonant configuration, a complete suppression of type-I ELMs was demonstrated. In addition, fast vertical jogging of the plasma column was also observed to be effective in ELM pace-making. SMBI-mitigated ELMs, a state of mitigated ELMs, were sustained for a few tens of ELM periods. A simple cellular automata ('sand-pile') model predicted that shallow deposition near the pedestal foot induced small-sized high-frequency ELMs, leading to the mitigation of large ELMs. In addition to the ELM control experiments, various physics topics were explored focusing on ITER-relevant physics issues such as the alteration of toroidal rotation caused by both electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) and externally applied 3D fields, and the observed rotation drop by ECRH in NB-heated plasmas was investigated in terms of either a reversal of the turbulence-driven residual stress due to the transition of ion temperature gradient to trapped electron mode turbulence or neoclassical toroidal viscosity (NTV) torque by the internal kink mode. The suppression of runaway electrons using massive gas injection of deuterium showed that runaway electrons were avoided only below 3 T in KSTAR. Operation in 2013 is expected to routinely exceed the n = 1 ideal MHD no-wall stability boundary in the long-pulse H-mode (10 s) by applying real-time shaping control, enabling n = 1 resistive wall mode active control studies. In addition, intensive works for ELM mitigation, ELM dynamics, toroidal rotation changes by both ECRH and NTV variations, have begun in the present campaign, and will be investigated in more detail with profile measurements of different physical quantities by techniques such as electron cyclotron emission imaging, charge exchange spectroscopy, Thomson scattering and beam emission spectroscopy diagnostics. © 2013 IAEA, Vienna.
Progress in microwave imaging of plasmas and applications
Mase A., Ito N., Kogi Y., Ikezi H., Inutake M., Wang X., Kuwahara D., Nagayama Y., Yoshinaga T., Yamaguchi S., Padhi S.K.
2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, EMTS 2013 - Proceedings 242 - 245 2013年9月
出版者・発行元:2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, EMTS 2013 - Proceedings
Progress in micro- to millimeter-wave technologies have made possible advanced diagnostics (imaging) for various applications, such as, plasma diagnostics, radio astronomy, alien substance detection, airborne and spaceborne imaging radars called as synthetic aperture radars, living body measurements. In this report we focus on the reflectometric (radar) techniques applied to plasma diagnostics and biomedical measurement. © 2013 IEICE.
Development of spotlight mode SAR ‘Live SAR’ for flood area surveillance.
Kogi Y, Ikezi H, Mase A, Ito N, Sato M, Suzuki A, Sakai F, Mizukami S, Kamewari K, Inutake M.
The 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar 2013年9月
Yuichiro Kogi, Shingo Matsukawa, Masayuki Yoshikawa, Atsushi Mase, Yoshio Nagayama, and Kazuo Kawahata
Transactions of Fusion Science and Technology 63 ( 1T ) 172 - 175 2013年6月
Kogi Y., Matsukawa S., Yoshikawa M., Mase A., Nagayama Y., Kawahata K.
Fusion Science and Technology 63 ( 1T ) 172 - 175 2013年
出版者・発行元:Fusion Science and Technology
We proposed a flexible electron density measurement system based on the interferometer for confinement study. An INRD guide antenna for spatial scan capability of a probe beam has been analytically designed. As a result of fabricating and evaluating the antenna, it was confirmed that the antenna has a predicted performance. We also evaluated the analysis method of a sampled data with numerical simulation in order to calculate phase shift due to the plasma density. A 3000 order FIR filter could successfully separate a sample signal with various frequencies into a signal with a single frequency when S/N is not critical.
DOI: 10.13182/FST13-1T17
Development of leaky-wave antenna for digitally controlled millimeter-wave interferometer
Kogi Y., Yoshikawa M., Matsukawa S., Mase A., Nagayama Y., Kawahata K.
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 ( 10 ) 2012年10月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
We propose a new interferometer concept that can realize electron-density distribution measurement with high spatial and moderate temporal resolution. The image non-radiative dielectric guide antenna can probe a wide measurement area simultaneously. We fabricated the antenna with an electromagnetic simulator and confirmed that the simulated and measured radiation patterns are consistent with each other. In addition, we found that the antenna shows the required characteristics such as scanning characteristics, which depend on the input frequency. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.4734488
Development of 3D microwave imaging reflectometry in LHD 査読
Nagayama, Y. ,Kuwahara, D. ; Yoshinaga, T. ; Hamada, Y. ; Kogi, Y. ; Mase, A. ; Tsuchiya, H. ; Tsuji-Iio, S. ; Yamaguchi, S.
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 ( 10 ) 10E305-10E305-6 2012年10月
Development of 3D microwave imaging reflectometry in LHD (invited)
Nagayama Y., Kuwahara D., Yoshinaga T., Hamada Y., Kogi Y., Mase A., Tsuchiya H., Tsuji-Iio S., Yamaguchi S.
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 ( 10 ) 2012年10月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
Three-dimensional (3D) microwave imaging reflectometry has been developed in the large helical device to visualize fluctuating reflection surface which is caused by the density fluctuations. The plasma is illuminated by the probe wave with four frequencies, which correspond to four radial positions. The imaging optics makes the image of cut-off surface onto the 2D (7 × 7 channels) horn antenna mixer arrays. Multi-channel receivers have been also developed using micro-strip-line technology to handle many channels at reasonable cost. This system is first applied to observe the edge harmonic oscillation (EHO), which is an MHD mode with many harmonics that appears in the edge plasma. A narrow structure along field lines is observed during EHO. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.4729259
Development of leaky-wave antenna for digitally controlled millimeter-wave interferometer 査読
Yuichiro Kogi, Masayuki Yoshikawa, Shingo Matsukawa, Atsushi Mase, Yoshio Nagayama, and Kazuo Kawahata
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 ( 10E347 ) 2012年8月
Reflectometric measurement of plasma imaging and applications 査読
A Mase, N Ito, M Oda, Y Komada, D Nagae, D Zhang, Y Kogi, S Tobimatsu, T Maruyama, H Shimazu, E Sakata, F Sakai, D Kuwahara, T Yoshinaga, T Tokuzawa, Y Nagayama, K Kawahata, S Yamaguchi, S Tsuji-Iio, C W Domier, N C Luhmann Jr, H K Park, G Yun, W Lee, S Padhi, K W Kim
Journal of Instrumentation 7 ( C01089 ) 2012年1月
Reflectometric measurement of plasma imaging and applications
Mase A., Ito N., Oda M., Komada Y., Nagae D., Zhang D., Kogi Y., Tobimatsu S., Maruyama T., Shimazu H., Sakata E., Sakai F., Kuwahara D., Yoshinaga T., Tokuzawa T., Nagayama Y., Kawahata K., Yamaguchi S., Tsuji-Iio S., Domier W., Luhmann C., Park K., Yun G., Lee W., Padhi S., Kim W.
Journal of Instrumentation 7 ( 1 ) 2012年1月
出版者・発行元:Journal of Instrumentation
Progress in microwave and millimeter-wave technologies has made possible advanced diagnostics for application to various fields, such as, plasma diagnostics, radio astronomy, alien substance detection, airborne and spaceborne imaging radars called as synthetic aperture radars, living body measurements. Transmission, reflection, scattering, and radiation processes of electromagnetic waves are utilized as diagnostic tools. In this report we focus on the reflectometric measurements and applications to biological signals (vital signal detection and breast cancer detection) as well as plasma diagnostics, specifically by use of imaging technique and ultra-wideband radar technique. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA.
Recent progress on microwave imaging technology and new physics results
Tobias B., Luhmann N.C., Domier C.W., Kong X., Liang T., Che S., Nazikian R., Chen L., Yun G., Lee W., Park H.K., Classen I.G.J., Boom J.E., Donné A.J.H., Van Zeeland M.A., Boivin R., Nagayama Y., Yoshinaga T., Kuwahara D., Yamaguchi S., Kogi Y., Mase A., Munsat T.L.
Plasma and Fusion Research 6 ( 1 SPECIAL ISSUE ) 2011年12月
出版者・発行元:Plasma and Fusion Research
Techniques for visualizing turbulent flow in nature and in the laboratory have evolved over half a millennium from Leonardo da Vinci's sketches of cascading waterfalls to the advanced imaging technologies which are now pervasive in our daily lives. Advancements in millimeter wave imaging have served to usher in a new era in plasma diagnostics, characterized by ever improving 2D, and even 3D, images of complex phenomena intokamak and stellarator plasmas. Examples at the forefront of this revolution are electron cyclotron emission imaging (ECEI) and microwave imaging reflectometry (MIR). ECEI has proved to be a powerful tool as it has provided immediate physics results following successful diagnostic installations on TEXTOR, ASDEX-U, DIIID, and KSTAR. Recent results from the MIR system on LHD are demonstrating that this technique has the potential for comparable impact in the diagnosis of electron density fluctuations. This has motivated a recent resurgence in MIR research and development, building on a prototype system demonstrated on TEXTOR, toward the realization of combined ECEI/MIR systems on DIII-D and KSTAR for simultaneous imaging of electron temperature and density fluctuations. The systems discussed raise the standard for fusion plasma diagnostics and present a powerful new capability for the validation of theoretical models and numerical simulations. © 2011 The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research.
Overview of KSTAR initial operation
Kwon M., Oh Y.K., Yang H.L., Na H.K., Kim Y.S., Kwak J.G., Kim W.C., Kim J.Y., Ahn J.W., Bae Y.S., Baek S.H., Bak J.G., Bang E.N., Chang C.S., Chang D.H., Chavdarovski I., Chen Z.Y., Cho K.W., Cho M.H., Choe W., Choi J.H., Chu Y., Chung K.S., Diamond P., Do H.J., Eidietis N., England A.C., Grisham L., Hahm T.S., Hahn S.H., Han W.S., Hatae T., Hillis D., Hong J.S., Hong S.H., Hong S.R., Humphrey D., Hwang Y.S., Hyatt A., In Y.K., Jackson G.L., Jang Y.B., Jeon Y.M., Jeong J.I., Jeong N.Y., Jeong S.H., Jhang H.G., Jin J.K., Joung M., Ju J., Kawahata K., Kim C.H., Kim D.H., Kim H.S., Kim H.S., Kim H.K., Kim H.T., Kim J.H., Kim J.C., Kim J.S., Kim J.S., Kim K.M., Kim K.P., Kim M.K., Kim S.H., Kim S.S., Kim S.T., Kim S.W., Kim Y.J., Kim Y.K., Kim Y.O., Ko W.H., Kogi Y., Kong J.D., Kubo S., Kumazawa R., Kwak S.W., Kwon J.M., Kwon O.J., Leconte M., Lee D.G., Lee D.K., Lee D.R., Lee D.S., Lee H.J., Lee J.H., Lee K.D., Lee K.S., Lee S.G., Lee S.H., Lee S.I., Lee S.M., Lee T.G., Lee W.C., Lee W.L., Leur J., Lim D.S., Lohr J., Mase A.
Nuclear Fusion 51 ( 9 ) 2011年9月
出版者・発行元:Nuclear Fusion
Since the successful first plasma generation in the middle of 2008, three experimental campaigns were successfully made for the KSTAR device, accompanied with a necessary upgrade in the power supply, heating, wall-conditioning and diagnostic systems. KSTAR was operated with the toroidal magnetic field up to 3.6 T and the circular and shaped plasmas with current up to 700 kA and pulse length of 7 s, have been achieved with limited capacity of PF magnet power supplies. The mission of the KSTAR experimental program is to achieve steady-state operations with high performance plasmas relevant to ITER and future reactors. The first phase (2008-2012) of operation of KSTAR is dedicated to the development of operational capabilities for a super-conducting device with relatively short pulse. Development of start-up scenario for a super-conducting tokamak and the understanding of magnetic field errors on start-up are one of the important issues to be resolved. Some specific operation techniques for a super-conducting device are also developed and tested. The second harmonic pre-ionization with 84 and 110 GHz gyrotrons is an example. Various parameters have been scanned to optimize the pre-ionization. Another example is the ICRF wall conditioning (ICWC), which was routinely applied during the shot to shot interval. The plasma operation window has been extended in terms of plasma beta and stability boundary. The achievement of high confinement mode was made in the last campaign with the first neutral beam injector and good wall conditioning. Plasma control has been applied in shape and position control and now a preliminary kinetic control scheme is being applied including plasma current and density. Advanced control schemes will be developed and tested in future operations including active profiles, heating and current drives and control coil-driven magnetic perturbation. © 2011 IAEA, Vienna.
LHDにおけるマイクロ波イメージング計測の開発 査読
長山好夫、吉永智一、山口聡一朗、濱田泰司、伊藤直樹、伊藤康彦、近木祐一郎、間瀬 淳、石 中兵、杉戸正治、土屋隼人、飯尾俊二、LHD実験グループ
Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research Vol. 87 ( No. 6 ) pp.359-370 2011年6月
Broadband Multichannel Radiometer for ECE Measurements on KSTAR 査読
Kazuo Kawahata, Yoshio Nagayama, Hayato Tsuchiya, Atsushi Mase, Yuichiro Kogi, Seung Ho Jeong, Kyu-Dong Lee, and Richard J, Wylde
Plasma and Fusion Research 6 2402094 2011年6月
Broadband multichannel radiometer for ECE measurements on KSTAR
Kawahata K., Nagayama Y., Tsuchiya H., Mase A., Kogi Y., Jeong S.H., Lee K.D., Wylde R.J.
Plasma and Fusion Research 6 ( 1 SPECIAL ISSUE ) 2011年
出版者・発行元:Plasma and Fusion Research
A broadband heterodyne radiometer system has been developed and installed on KSTAR to measure second harmonic electron cyclotron emission (ECE) at the magnetic field of 3 T. The system consisting of two radiometers (110-162GHz and 164-196GHz) can cover a frequency range of 110-196GHz. The unique and key components to construct this ECE diagnostic instrument are specially-designed detector modules and a diplexer for splitting ECE radiation with high efficiency. The minimum detectable electron temperature with a time response of 1μs is about 0.23eV. The observed signal intensity is roughly consistent with the value estimated by using characteristics of various components (waveguide components, sub-harmonic mixers, amplifiers, and intermediate frequency detectors). In this article, design considerations and preliminary ECE measurements will be described. © 2011 The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research.
Microwave measurement of heart beat applied to daily life
Ito N., Mase A., Kobayashi A., Kogi Y., Sakata E., Shimazu H.
Proceedings - 2010 12th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA'10 256 - 259 2010年12月
出版者・発行元:Proceedings - 2010 12th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA'10
Microwave reflectometric measurement is applied to diagnose human vital signal. The reflectometer signal is processed by a quadrature phase detector in order to obtain both phase and amplitude components of the signal. The phase component is analyzed by using fast-Fourier transform and wavelet transform to evaluate the frequency spectrum of the heartbeat and respiration. In this report, we focus on some challenges such as overnight monitoring and the performance during driving vehicle. The system using Automatic Gain Control (AGC) and integration of reflectometry system are also discussed. ©2010 IEEE.
Development of electron cyclotron emission imaging system on Large Helical Device
Kuwahara D., Tsuji-Iio S., Nagayama Y., Yoshinaga T., Tsuchiya H., Sugito S., Yamaguchi S., Kogi Y., Akaki K., Mase A.
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 ( 10 ) 2010年10月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
A combined system of microwave imaging reflectometry and electron cyclotron emission (ECE) imaging has been developed for the Large Helical Device. This system includes a wide-band two-dimensional horn-antenna mixer array (HMA). The HMA consists of horn antennas, waveguides, mixers, and intermediate frequency circuits. The frequency response of the HMA is between 50 and 110 GHz. The ECE signal is selected using a 95 GHz local oscillator and a 93 GHz high-pass filter. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.3491223
Electron cyclotron emission diagnostics on KSTAR tokamak 査読
Jeong SH, Lee KD, Kogi Y, Kawahata K, Nagayama Y, Mase A, Kwon M.
Rev Sci Instrum. 81 10D922 2010年10月
”Development of electron cyclotron emission imaging system on Large Helical Device 査読
D. Kuwahara, S. Iio, Y. Nagayama, T. Yoshinaga, H. Tsuchiya, S. Sugito, S. Yamaguchi, Y. Kogi, K. Akaki, A. Mase
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 ( 10 ) 10D919 2010年10月
Calibration of electron cyclotron emission radiometer for KSTAR
Kogi Y., Jeong S.H., Lee K.D., Akaki K., Mase A., Kuwahara D., Yoshinaga T., Nagayama Y., Kwon M., Kawahata K.
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 ( 10 ) 2010年10月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
We developed and installed an electron cyclotron emission radiometer for taking measurements of Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) plasma. In order to precisely measure the absolute value of electron temperatures, a calibration measurement of the whole radiometer system was performed, which confirmed that the radiometer has an acceptably linear output signal for changes in input temperature. It was also found that the output power level predicted by a theoretical calculation agrees with that obtained by the calibration measurement. We also showed that the system displays acceptable noise-temperature performance around 0.23 eV. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.3491304
Yoshinaga T., Nagayama Y., Kuwahara D., Tsuchiya H., Yamaguchi S., Kogi Y., Tsuji-Iio S., Mase A.
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 ( 10 ) 2010年10月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
A simultaneous projection/detection system of four different frequencies for microwave imaging reflectometry (MIR) was developed for three-dimensional observation of electron density fluctuations in the Large Helical Device (LHD). The microwave with four frequency components at 60.410, 61.808, 63.008, and 64.610 GHz is projected in a continuous-wave mode to illuminate the target LHD plasma. A two-dimensional horn-antenna mixer array (2D HMA) receives the reflected wave from the plasma as well as the wave from the local oscillator operating at 55.800 GHz. The first intermediate frequency (IF) signals at 4.610, 6.008, 7.208, and 8.810 GHz were confirmed to be obtained by downconversion of these microwaves using the 2D HMA. Each of these first IF components is filtered from each other and downconverted again for the superheterodyne detection. It was confirmed that both the amplitudes and the phases of the detected signals reflect the fluctuations in LHD plasmas. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.3491197
Electron cyclotron emission diagnostics on KSTAR tokamak
Jeong S.H., Lee K.D., Kogi Y., Kawahata K., Nagayama Y., Mase A., Kwon M.
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 ( 10 ) 2010年10月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
A new electron cyclotron emission (ECE) diagnostics system was installed for the Second Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) campaign. The new ECE system consists of an ECE collecting optics system, an overmode circular corrugated waveguide system, and 48 channel heterodyne radiometer with the frequency range of 110-162 GHz. During the 2 T operation of the KSTAR tokamak, the electron temperatures as well as its radial profiles at the high field side were measured and sawtooth phenomena were also observed. We also discuss the effect of a window on in situ calibration. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.3491224
Development of millimeter-wave planar antennas using low-loss materials
Ito N., Mase A., Kogi Y., Seko N., Tamada M., Shimazu H., Sakata E.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 49 ( 10 ) 1065061 - 1065065 2010年10月
出版者・発行元:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
As the importance of advanced millimeter-wave diagnostics increases, the fabrication of high-performance devices and components becomes essential. In this paper, we describe the development of millimeter-wave planar antennas using low-loss fluorine substrates. The problems to be solved in this study are the low degree of adhesion between copper foil and the fluorine substrate and the accuracy of device pattern using conventional fabrication techniques. In order to solve these problems, a new surface treatment of fluorine films and a fabrication method using electro-fine-forming (EF2) are proposed. In order to confirm the performance of the treated films, microstrip lines (MSLs) and planar patch antennas with a low sidelobe level in the E-plane are designed and fabricated on conventional fluorine substrates and grafted poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) films© 2010 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
Two dimensional density and its fluctuation measurements by using phase imaging method in GAMMA 10
Yoshikawa M., Negishi S., Shima Y., Hojo H., Mase A., Kogi Y., Imai T.
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 ( 10 ) 2010年10月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
Two dimensional (2D) plasma image analysis is useful to study the improvement of plasma confinement in magnetically confined fusion plasmas. We have constructed a 2D interferometer system with phase imaging method for studying 2D plasma density distribution and its fluctuation measurement in the tandem mirror GAMMA 10. 2D profiles of electron density and its fluctuation have been successfully obtained by using this 2D phase imaging system. We show that 2D plasma density and fluctuation profiles clearly depends on the axial confining potential formation with application of plug electron cyclotron heating in GAMMA 10. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.3464577
Developments of electron cyclotron emission spectroscopy and microwave reflectometry on LHD
Tokuzawa T., Kawahata K., Nagayama Y., Inagaki S., De Vries P.C., Mase A., Kogi Y., Yokota Y., Hojo H., Tanaka K., Ejiri A., Pavlichenko R.O., Yamaguchi S., Yoshinaga T., Kuwahara D., Shi Z., Tsuchiya H., Ito Y., Hirokura S., Sudo S., Komori A.
Fusion Science and Technology 58 ( 1 ) 364 - 374 2010年7月
出版者・発行元:Fusion Science and Technology
Several types of microwave diagnostics, in the category of electron cyclotron emission (ECE) spectroscopy and reflectometry, have been developed on the Large Helical Device (LHD). Since LHD has a complicated magnetic configuration, the polarization effects have been studied for optimization of the microwave passive and active diagnostics. It was found that if the density is sufficiently high, the effect of mode conversion is negligible and the local polarization angle can be estimated as the angle at the plasma boundary. Three types of ECE spectroscopy, which are the heterodyne radiometer, the Michelson spectrometer, and the grating polychromator, have been optimized and operated routinely in order to measure radial profiles of electron temperature and its fluctuations in the frequency range 50 to 500 GHz. Several types of microwave reflectom-eters have also been utilized for measurements of the electron density profile and fluctuations. Two ultrashort pulsed radar reflectometers for density profile measurements, a V-band frequency-hopping reflectometer for density fluctuation profile measurements, and a fixed-frequency three-channel homodyne reflectometer for the interlock system of the neutral beam injection have been routinely operated. Also, an advanced diagnostic, which uses an imaging technique, has been developed to study the two-or three-dimensional structure of temperature and density fluctuations.
Two dimensional density and its fluctuation measurements by using phase imaging method in GAMMA10 査読
M. Yoshikawa, S. Negishi, Y. SHima, H. Hojo, A. Mase, Y. Kogi, and T. Imai
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 ( 10D514 ) 2010年
Development of Millimeter-wave planar Antennas Using Low-Loss Materials 査読
Ito Naoki, Mase Atsushi, Kogi Yuichiro, Seko Noriaki, Tamada Masao, Shimazu Hiroshi, Sakata Eiji
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 49 ( 106506 ) 2010年
Calibration of electron cyclotron emission radiometer for KSTAR 査読
Y. Kogi, S. H. Jeong, K. D. Lee, K. Akaki, A. Mase, D. Kuwahara, T. Yoshinaga, Y. Nagayama, M. Kwon, K. Kawahata
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 ( 10D916 ) 2010年
Reconstruction method of X-mode ultrashort-pulse reflectometry in LHD
Yokota Y., Mase A., Uchino K., Kogi Y., Tokuzawa T., Kawahata K., Nagayama Y., Hojo H.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 227 2010年
出版者・発行元:Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Reflectometry is considered to be one of the key diagnostics to measure density profiles and density fluctuations of fusion oriented plasmas. When an electromagnetic wave is launched into a plasma, the wave is reflected at the corresponding cutoff layer of the ordinary (O) mode or the extraordinary (X) mode. Reflectometry measures the time of flight (TOF) or group delay of the reflected wave. We have applied ultrashort-pulse reflectometry (USPR) to Large Helical Device (LHD) at National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS). The highspatial analysis method called signal record analysis (SRA) is utilized to reconstruct the density profiles from the TOF signal. Also, it is noted that the remote control system using super science information network (super-SINET) has been introduced to the present USPR system. This remote system is exclusive, and it seems to be quite effective for collaborating experiment of large devices such as ITER. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.
Study of dual-dipole antenna array for millimeter wave imaging
Akaki K., Mase A., Kogi Y., Uchino K., Nagayama Y., Kawahata K., Yamaguchi S., Inagaki S., Kim K.W.
34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2009 2009年12月
出版者・発行元:34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2009
Millimeter wave imaging diagnostics such as electron cyclotron emission imaging (ECEI) and microwave imaging reflectometry (MIR) are advanced technology to investigate electron temperature/density profiles and their fluctuations in magnetically confined plasmas. We have installed an ECEI system in the large helical device (LHD) at National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS). The optimization of a receiving antenna array is essential for the imaging diagnostics. We have designed and fabricated dual-dipole antenna array. In this paper, the design and fabrication process of dual-dipole antennas are described. The characterizations of the antennas are also reported by comparing simulation and experimental results. © 2009 IEEE.
Application of multi-channel IF system for ECE radiometer on KSTAR and LHD
Kogi Y., Akaki K., Mase A., Ito N., Yokota Y., Mukunoki H., Nagayama Y., Kuwahara D., Yamaguchi S., Yoshinaga T., Ho J., Kwon M., Kawahata K.
34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2009 2009年12月
出版者・発行元:34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2009
We have developed an electron cyclotron emission (ECE) radiometer to measure the radial electron temperature profiles. Before installation of this system on KSTAR, we installed a part of this system on LHD, and confirmed that acquired signals are in good agreement with those provided by the Michelson spectrometer. © 2009 IEEE.
Advancements of microwave diagnostics in magnetically confined plasmas
Mase A., Kogi Y., Ito N., Yokota Y., Akaki K., Kawahata K., Nagayama Y., Tokuzawa T., Yamaguchi S., Hojo H., Oyama N., Luhmann N.C., Park H.K., Donné A.J.H.
Plasma Devices and Operations 17 ( 2 ) 98 - 116 2009年10月
出版者・発行元:Plasma Devices and Operations
Microwave to millimeter-wave diagnostic techniques such as interferometry, reflectometry, scattering and radiometry have been powerful tools for diagnosing magnetically confined plasmas. Recent advances in electronic devices and components together with computer technology have enabled the development of advanced diagnostics in microwave to millimeter-wave region. The two-dimensional and three-dimensional profiles of plasma density/temperature and dynamic behaviors of their fluctuations are measured by using the advanced diagnostic systems. The measurements have clarified the physics issues such as stability, wave phenomena and fluctuation-induced transport. We report here on the representative microwave diagnostics and their contribution to plasma confinement physics. © 2009 Taylor & Francis.
Application of Multi-Channel IF System for ECE Radiometer on KSTAR and LHD
Y. Kogi, K. Akaki, A. Mase, N. Ito, Y. Yokota, H. Mukunoki, Y. Nagayama, D. Kuwahara, S. Yamaguchi, T. Yoshinaga, J. S. Ho, M. Kwon, K. Kawahata
he 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 2009年9月
Development of 2-D Antenna Array for Microwave Imaging 査読
Daisuke KUWAHARA, Shunji TSUJI-IIO, Yoshio NAGAYAMA, Tomokazu YOSHINAGA, Zhongbing SHI, Soichiro YAMAGUCHI, Masaharu SUGITO, Yuichiro KOGI, Atsushi MASE
Journal of Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research 8 0649 - 0654 2009年9月
Study of Dual-Dipole Antenna Array for Millimeter Wave Imaging
Kazuhiko Akaki, Atsushi Mase, Kiichiro Uchino1 Shigeru Inagaki, Yuichiro Kogi, Kazuo Kawahata,Yoshio Nagayama, Souichiro Yamaguchi , Kang Wook Kim
IRMMW-THz 2009 R5E41.0055 2009年9月
Ultra-wide band radar reflectometer for measurment of plasma density profiles
Yokota Y., Mase A., Kogi Y., Tokuzawa T., Kawahata K., Nagayama Y., Hojo H.
International Conference on Communication Technology Proceedings, ICCT 313 - 315 2008年12月
出版者・発行元:International Conference on Communication Technology Proceedings, ICCT
Reflectometry is widely used to measure plasma density profiles and density fluctuations in magnetically confined plasmas. When the electromagnetic wave is launched into the plasma, the wave is reflected at the corresponding cutoff layer. Higher frequency wave reflects at the higher density layer. Therefore wide frequency band system is needed to obtain whole density profile. Ultrashort-pulse as a source is one of the candidates to achieve this, which is called ultrashort-pulse reflectometry (USPR). An USPR has been applied to Large Helical Device (LHD) at National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS). The system can be controlled from remote site via Internet called Super-SINET. This paper describes the USPR system and the reconstruction method of density profiles. © 2008 IEEE.
Application of ultrashort-pulse radar to non-destructive inspection
Takaichi S., Mase A., Kogi Y., Kim K.W.
International Conference on Communication Technology Proceedings, ICCT 316 - 319 2008年12月
出版者・発行元:International Conference on Communication Technology Proceedings, ICCT
An ultrashort-pulse radar (USPR) has been developed for non-destructive inspection of structures, search of buried objects, and biomedical imaging. An impulse with 150 ps pulse width is used as a source for the present USPR. Since the bandwidth of the source is inverse relation to the pulse width, we can expect wide frequency range in microwave region which benefits high spatial resolution as well as time resolution. Therefore antennas for the USPR are required to provide acceptable characteristic in wide frequency band width. Nondestructive inspection for concrete structures utilizes the contrast in the dielectric properties between cement and air at cracks. In this paper, the comparison of inspected results of the concrete samples are described using three types of antennas, an openended rectangular waveguide antenna, a bow-tie antenna, and a log-spiral antenna. © 2008 IEEE.
Development of planar devices using low-loss materials
Ito N., Mase A., Kogi Y., Seko N., Tamada M., Sakata E.
International Conference on Communication Technology Proceedings, ICCT 253 - 255 2008年12月
出版者・発行元:International Conference on Communication Technology Proceedings, ICCT
As the importance of advanced microwave and millimeter-wave diagnostics increases, the fabrications of highperformance planar devices become essential. This paper describes the development of planar devices such as antennas using low-loss fluorine materials. The problems to be solved for the present purpose are the low degree of adhesion between copper foil and fluorine substrate and the accuracy of device pattern using conventional fabrication techniques. In order to solve these problems, surface treatment of fluorine films and a fabrication method using Electro-Fine-Forming (EF2) are proposed. The peel adhesion strength between the metal and the fluorine films and the value of dielectric constant of the fluorine films before and after grafting are reported. In order to confirm the performance of the treated films, microstrip lines are fabricated on the conventional fluorine substrates and on the grafted-PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) films. The prototype antennas using fluorine substrates with EF2 fabrication technique are also introduced. © 2008 IEEE.
Simulation study and experiment of breast cancer detection using an ultrashort-Pulse radar
Takaichi S., Mase A., Kogi Y., Hojo H., Kang W.K.
Proceedings of 2008 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC 2008 2008年12月
出版者・発行元:Proceedings of 2008 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC 2008
Development of microwave imaging reflectometry in large helical device
Yamaguchi S., Nagayama Y., Kuwahara D., Yoshinaga T., Shi Z.B., Kogi Y., Mase A.
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 ( 10 ) 2008年11月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
Three key devices of the microwave imaging reflectometry (MIR) are under development in large helical device (LHD). The 2-D mixer array is developed by stacking the one-dimensional array of the planar Yagi-Uda antenna. The new type of the bandpass filter bank is modified to match the requirement of the MIR. The low-cost quadrature demodulator is also developed for the phase detection system. By using the low-price commercial wireless devices, the development cost becomes much lower than the expensive waveguide system. These devices enable the development of 2-D/3-D microwave imaging system for the plasma diagnostics and industrial applications. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.2993741
Kogi Y., Sakoda T., Mase A., Ito N., Yokota Y., Yamaguchi S., Nagayama Y., Jeong S.H., Kwon M., Kawahata K.
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 ( 10 ) 2008年11月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
Plasma experiments on KSTAR are scheduled to start up this year (2008). We have developed an electron cyclotron emission (ECE) radiometer to measure the radial electron temperature profiles in KSTAR experiments. The radiometer system consists, briefly, of two downconversion stages, amplifiers, bandpass filter banks, and video detectors. These components are made commercially or developed in house. The system detects ECE power in the frequency range from 110 to 196 GHz, the detected signal being resolved by means of 48 frequency windows. Before installation of this system on KSTAR, we installed a part of this system on large helical device (LHD) to study the system under similar plasma conditions. In this experiment, the signal amplitude, considered to be proportional to the electron temperature, is measured. The time-dependent traces of the electron temperature measured by this radiometer are in good agreement with those provided by the LHD Michelson spectrometer. The system noise level which limits the minimum measurable temperature (converted to the electron temperature) is about 30 eV. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.2966380
Development of multichannel intermediate frequency system for electron cyclotron emission radiometer on KSTAR Tokamak 査読
Yuichiro Kogi, Takuya Sakoda, Atsushi Mase, Naoki Ito, Yuya Yokota, Soichiro Yamaguchi, Yoshio Nagayama, Seung H Jeong, Myeun Kwon, and Kazuo Kawahata
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 ( 10F115 ) 2008年10月
Reconstruction of Edge Density Profiles on LHD Using Ultrashort-Pulse Reflectometry 査読
Y. Yokota, A. Mase, Y. Kogi, T. Tokuzawa, K. Kawahata, Y. Nagayama, and H. Hojo
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 ( 10F112 ) 2008年10月
Development of microwave imaging reflectometry in large helical device 査読
S. Yamaguchi, Y. Nagayama, Z.B. Shi, D. Kuwahara, Y. Kogi, A. Mase
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 ( 10 ) 10F111 2008年10月
Reconstruction of edge density profiles on Large Helical Device using ultrashort-pulse reflectometry
Yokota Y., Mase A., Kogi Y., Tokuzawa T., Kawahata K., Nagayama Y., Hojo H.
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 ( 10 ) 2008年10月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
Reflectometry has been expected to be one of the key diagnostics to measure density profiles. We have applied an ultrashort-pulse reflectometry (USPR) system to Large Helical Device in the National Institute for Fusion Science. Wide frequency band system is required to obtain wide density profile since an incident wave is reflected at the density layer corresponding to its cutoff frequency. The reflectometry utilizes an impulse with less than [formula omitted] pulse width as a source. Since the bandwidth of an impulse has an inverse relation to the pulse width, we can cover the frequency range of micro- to millimeter waves [formula omitted] with a single source. The density profiles can be reconstructed by collecting time-of-flight (TOF) signals for each frequency component of an impulse reflected from the corresponding cutoff layer. We utilize the signal record analysis (SRA) method to reconstruct the density profiles from the TOF signal. The effectiveness of the SRA method for the profile reconstruction is confirmed by a simulation study of the USPR using a finite-difference time domain method. © 2008, American Institute of Physics. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1063/1.2953683
Ito N., Mase A., Kogi Y., Seko N., Tamada M., Sakata E.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 47 ( 6 PART 1 ) 4755 - 4758 2008年6月
出版者・発行元:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
As the importance of advanced millimeter-wave diagnostics increases, a reliable and accurate fabrication technique for highperformance devices and relevant components is essential. We describe a new improved fabrication technique for millimeterwave planar components, such as antennas using low-loss fluororesin substrates. A fragile adhesion between the copper foil and fluororesin substrate and the accuracy of the device pattern using conventional fabrication techniques have been prime suspects in the failure of the devices. In order to solve these problems, surface treatment of fluororesin films and a fabrication method using electro-fine-forming (EF2) are proposed. The peel adhesion strength between the metal and fluororesin films and the value of the dielectric constant of the fluororesin films before and after grafting are reported. A prototype antenna using conventional fluororesin substrates and grafted-poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) films produced using the EP2 fabrication technique are also introduced. ©2008 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.47.4755
Progress in microwave diagnostics and physics issues in magnetically confined plasmas
Mase A., Kogi Y., Hojo H., Yoshikawa M., Itakura A., Cho T., Tokuzawa T., Kawahata K., Nagayama Y., Oyama N., Luhmann N.C., Park H.K., Mazzucato E.
Fusion Science and Technology 51 ( 2 T. ) 52 - 57 2007年2月
出版者・発行元:Fusion Science and Technology
Microwave/millimeter-wave techniques such as interferometry, reflectometry, scattering, and radiometry have been powerful tools for diagnosing magnetically confined high-temperature plasmas. Important plasma parameters were measured to clarify the physics issues such as stability, wave phenomena, and fluctuation-induced transport. Recent advances in microwave and millimeter-wave technology together with computer technology have enabled the development of new generation of diagnostics for visualization of 2D and 3D structures of plasmas. Microwave/Millimeter-wave imaging is expected to be one of the most promising diagnostic methods for this purpose. We report here on the recent progress in microwave diagnostics and the results obtained in magnetically confined plasmas.
DOI: 10.13182/fst07-a1312
Measurements of 2-dimensional plasma density distributions by the phase-imaging method in GAMMA 10
Nakahara A., Yoshikawa M., Shima Y., Matsumoto T., Yanagi N., Itakura A., Cho T., Mase A., Kogi Y.
Fusion Science and Technology 51 ( 2 T. ) 277 - 279 2007年2月
出版者・発行元:Fusion Science and Technology
Plasma density measurements are one of the important studies for achievement of nuclear fusion reaction. We have studied plasma electron density distributions and plasma frequency fluctuation by using microwave interferometers etc. in GAMMA 10. We show the first results of 2-dimensional plasma density distributions measurement under some conditions of the electron cyclotron resonance heating microwave power in GAMMA 10.
DOI: 10.13182/fst07-a1374
Microwave measurement of heart beat and analysis using wavelet transform
Tateishi N., Mase A., Bruskin L., Kogi Y., Ito N., Shirakata T., Yoshida S.
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC 2151 - 2153 2007年
出版者・発行元:Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC
Microwave reflectometric measurement is applied to diagnose vital signal of a human. The reflectometer signal is processed by a quadrature phase detector in order to obtain both phase and amplitude components of the signal. The phase component is analyzed by using fast-Fourier transform and wavelet transform to evaluate the frequency spectrum of the heartbeat and respiration. Various applications of the microwave measurement are discussed.
Development of planar components using advanced fabrication
Ito N., Mase A., Kogi Y., Seko N., Tamada M., Sakata E.
IRMMW-THz2007 - Conference Digest of the Joint 32nd International Conference on Infrared and Millimetre Waves, and 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics 791 - 792 2007年
出版者・発行元:IRMMW-THz2007 - Conference Digest of the Joint 32nd International Conference on Infrared and Millimetre Waves, and 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics
As the importance of intelligent transport system (ITS) and imaging diagnostics increases, the fabrication of high performance millimeter-wave planar components becomes essential. This paper describes the development of high performance millimeter-wave planar components such as antennas using a low-loss fluorine substrate. The problems to be solved are the low degree of adhesion between copper foil and the fluorine substrate and the shape of the antenna pattern. In order to solve the problems, surface treatment of fluorine films and a fabrication method using Electro Fine Forming (EF2) are utilized.
Ito N., Mase A., Seko N., Tamada M., Sakata E., Kogi Y.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers 45 ( 12 ) 9244 - 9246 2006年12月
出版者・発行元:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers
Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) and perfluoroethylene-propylene (PFEP) have many desirable properties for application to electronic devices, such as low dielectric constant and loss tangent. However, the weak adhesion of the polymer to various metals, associated with the chemical inertness of the fluorine resin surface, fails to satisfy many of the industry requirements. Surface treatment of PTFE and PFEP by radiation-induced graft polymerization was carried out to improve the adhesion. Peel adhesion strengths of 10.3 and 1.4.5 N/cm were attained for PTFE/Cu and PFEP/Cu, respectively by the treatment. In addition, the dielectric function of grafted PTFE and grafted PFEP remained almost unchanged after the graft polymerization. © 2006 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.45.9244
Recent Results in Large Helical Device
Nagayama Y., Ikeda K., Komori A., Kumazawa R., Morita S., Ohyabu N., Peterson B.J., Sakakibara S., Shimozuma T., Yamada H., Ashikawa N., Chikaraishi H., Emoto M., Funaba H., Goncharov P., Goto M., Hainada Y., Ida K., Ido T., Igami H., Imagawa S., Inagaki S., Isayama A., Isobe M., Iwamoto A., Kaneko O., Kawahata K., Kobuchi T., Kogi Y., Kubo S., Mase A., Masuzaki S., Matsuoka K., Minami T., Mito T., Miyazawa J., Morisaki T., Murakami S., Muto S., Mutoh T., Nakamura Y., Nakanishi H., Narihara K., Narushima Y., Nishimura A., Nishimura K., Nishizawa A., Noda N., Notake T., Nozato H., Ohdachi S., Oka Y., Osakabe M., Okajima S., Ozaki T., Sagara A., Saito K., Sakamotos M., Sakamoto R., Sasao M., Sato K., Seki T., Shoji M., Sudo S., Suzuki H., Takahata K., Takeiri Y., Takenaga H., Tamura N., Tanaka K., Toi K., Tokuzawa T., Torii Y., Tsumori K., Uda T., Watanabe K.Y., Yamada I., Yamazaki K., Yanagi N., Yokoyama M., Yoshimura Y., Yoshinuma Y., Watari T., Motojima O.
Proceedings - Symposium on Fusion Engineering 2006年12月
出版者・発行元:Proceedings - Symposium on Fusion Engineering
This paper presents recent experimental results in the Large Helical Device (LHD), which is the world largest helical system (Rax ∼ 3.6 m, aav ∼ 0.6 m, Bax ∼ 2.75 T) and has capability of steady state operation because of the super conducting magnets. LHD confines the plasma with Tio ∼ 2 keV and ne ∼ 0.8 x 1019 m -3 for 1905 sec using the ICRF heating. In this case, the total plasma heating energy was ∼ 1.3 GJ. This indicates that high energy ions generated by ICRF is well confined. Large magnetic island in the vacuum field due to the error field is vanished in plasma with higher temperature or with higher beta, so the error field is not an issue in helical systems. The obtained averaged beta is more than 4.3 % in LHD. Since the beta is not limited by the MHD events or magnetic island but the beta is limited by the lack of heating power, further improvement of beta can be expected. Internal and external transport barrier have been also observed, and the electron temperature and the ion temperature exceed 10 keV in the improved confinement mode in LHD. Besides the potential of the disruption free steady stated operation, LHD experiment accumulates evidences so that fusion reactor becomes more realistic. © IEEE.
Development of low-loss millimeter-wave antennas using electro-fine-forming fabrication
Ito N., Mase A., Kogi Y., Seko N., Tamada M., Sakata E.
IRMMW-THz 2006 - 31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics 2006年12月
出版者・発行元:IRMMW-THz 2006 - 31st International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics
The development of high performance millimeter-wave planar antennas using low-loss fluorine substrate is reported. The problems to be solved are low degree of adhesion between copper foil and fluorine substrate and shape of antenna pattern. In order to solve the problems, surface treatment of fluorine substrate and a fabrication method using Electro Fine Forming (EF2) are described. ©2006 IEEE.
Remote experiment of ultrashort-pulse reflectometry for large helical device plasmas
Mase A., Yokota Y., Uchida K., Kogi Y., Ito N., Tokuzawa T., Kawahata K., Tanaka K., Nagayama Y., Hojo H.
Review of Scientific Instruments 77 ( 10 ) 2006年11月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
An ultrashort-pulse reflectometer (USPR) has been applied to the large helical device plasmas in National Institute for Fusion Science for edge density profile measurement. Remote control system using super science information network has been introduced to the USPR system. The remote console at Kyushu University having graphical user interface is prepared to control the instruments of the USPR via the general-purpose interface bus. The operations such as the adjustment of supply voltage fed to amplifiers and the frequency doubler, timing control of the impulse, data acquisition, and monitoring can be performed from the remote site. The position of transmitter and receiver antennas can also be controlled remotely in order to observe the cutoff layer depending on various plasma conditions. The directly recorded signal by a sampling scope is analyzed and reconstructed by means of the signal record analysis method. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.2220081
Microwave imaging reflectometry in LHD
Yamaguchi S., Nagayama Y., Pavlichenko R., Inagaki S., Kogi Y., Mase A.
Review of Scientific Instruments 77 ( 10 ) 2006年11月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
A multichannel reflectometry with an imaging optical system is under development for the measurement of the electron density fluctuations in the Large Helical Device (LHD). The right-hand cutoff layer is utilized as a reflection surface. The angle of an ellipsoidal mirror installed inside the vacuum chamber is remotely adjustable with the ultrasonic motor in order to optimize the illumination angle for the wider range of the plasma parameters. An oscillation due to density fluctuation was observed using the microwave imaging reflectometry for the first time in LHD plasma experiment. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.2349749
Control, data acquisition and remote participation for steady-state operation in LHD
Sudo S., Nagayama Y., Emoto M., Nakanishi H., Chikaraishi H., Imazu S., Iwata C., Kogi Y., Kojima M., Komada S., Kubo S., Kumazawa R., Mase A., Miyazawa J., Mutoh T., Nakamura Y., Nonomura M., Ohsuna M., Saito K., Sakamoto R., Seki T., Shoji M., Tsuda K., Yoshida M., Team L.
Fusion Engineering and Design 81 ( 15-17 SPEC. ISS. ) 1713 - 1721 2006年7月
出版者・発行元:Fusion Engineering and Design
Control, data acquisition, plasma monitoring and remote participation for steady state operation in the large helical device (LHD) are reviewed. By controlling the impedance matching of ICH, the plasma position and the electron density, high temperature plasma is confined for 1905s. The plasma parameters are monitored in real time. Data are continuously sampled by the YOKOGAWA WE7000 system and by the NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS CompactPCI system. Those data are managed by the object-oriented database system based on ObjectStore in distributed servers with mass storage. By using the multi protocol label switching-virtual private network (MPLS-VPN) technology, the local area network of LHD is expanded to the Japanese fusion community. This provides the remote participants with the same environment of the LHD control room. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Development of broadband ultrashort-pulse reflectometer for inductively coupled plasma
Kogi Y., Mase A., Yasuda T., Kudo K., Bruskin L.G., Ignatenko M.
Thin Solid Films 506-507 464 - 468 2006年5月
出版者・発行元:Thin Solid Films
We have applied an ultrashort-pulse reflectometer (USRM) to an inductively coupled plasma for density profile measurement along with a plasma absorption probe (PAP). It is found that the density in the edge plasma region measured by USRM is in good agreement with that by PAP, however, the measured density in core region shows large discrepancy between two methods. This difference is considered to occur due to difference of optical path route within utilized frequency band. We have rearranged experimental setup to avoid this improper situation, and confirmed that the density in core region measured by both methods is becoming in good agreement. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
マイクロ波アクティブセンサによる生体情報計測 査読
西山恵介、間瀬 淳、近木祐一郎
The Papers of Technical Meeting on Plasma Science and Technology, IEE JAPAN 2006年
urface Treatment of Poly (tetrafluoroethylene) and Perfluoroethylene-propylene by Radiation Grafting 査読
Naoki ITO, Atsushi MASE, Noriaki SEKO, Masao TAMADA, Eiji SAKATA and Yuichiro KOGI
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 45 ( 12 ) 9244 - 9246 2006年
Control, data acquisition and remote participation for steady-state operation in LHD 査読
S. Sudo, Y. Nagayama, M. Emoto, H. Nakanishi, H. Chikaraishi, S. Imazu, C. Iwata, Y.Kogi, M. Kojima, S. Komada, S.Kubo, R. Kumazawa, A. Mase, J. Miyazawa, T. Mutoh, Y. Nakamura, M. Nonomura, M. Ohsuna, K. Saito, R. Sakamoto, T. Seki, M. Shoji, K. Tsuda, M. Yoshida, LHD Team
Fusion Engineering and Design 81 1713 - 1721 2006年
Reconstruction of Edge Density Profiles Using Ultrashort-Pulse Reflectometry in LHD 査読
Yuya YOKOTA, Atsushi MASE, Yuichiro KOGI, Tokihiko TOKUZAWA and Kazuo KAWAHATA
Plasma Fusion Res 1 40 2006年
Development of broadband ultrashort-pulse reflectometer for inductively coupled plasma 査読
Y. Kogi, A. Mase, T. Yasuda, K. Kudo, L. G. Bruskin, and M. Ignatenko
Thin Solid Films 506-507 464 - 468 2006年
Numerical study of microwave imaging reflectometyr for measurements of density fluctuations in a tandem mirror plasma 査読
M. Ignatenko, A. Mase, L.G. Bruskin, Y.kogi and H. Hojo
Nucl. Fusion 46 S760-S770 2006年
Ito N., Mase A., Seko N., Tamada M., Sakata E., Kogi Y.
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC 3 2031 - 2033 2006年
出版者・発行元:Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) has many desirable properties for substrates of millimeter-wave planar antennas such as low dielectric constant and loss tangent. However, it has weak adhesion to various metals. Surface treatment of PTFE via radiation-induced graft polymerization was carried out to improve the adhesion. The peel adhesion strength of the PTFE/Cu was attained to be 10.3 N/cm by the treatment. The dielectric function of grafted-PTFE remained almost unchanged after the graft polymerization. The design and fabrication of millimeter-wave antennas on the treated PTFE substrates have been performed using electro-fine-forming (EF2) technology. Copyright 2006 IEICE.
Development of new detector for millimeter wave imaging
Kogi Y., Mase A., Kudo K., Ignatenko M., Ito N., Tokuzawa T., Nagayama Y., Kawahata K., Aoi S., Sakata E.
The Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, 2005. IRMMW-THz 2005 2 604 - 605 2005年12月
出版者・発行元:The Joint 30th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 13th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, 2005. IRMMW-THz 2005
We have been developing a detector element which include dipole antennas and a doubly balanced mixer fabricated on a dielectric substrate. This detector is designed for millimeter-wave imaging system on fusion device experiment in order to measure electron temperature distribution. Prototype detector which work in X-band shows ideal characteristics such as axisymmetric field pattern and detection sensitivity as an imaging element. Recently, we have fabricated same type detectors which work in E-band range. We have confirmed that the detectors have sensitivity in this frequency range. © 2005 IEEE.
Development of new detector for millimeter wave imaging 査読
Y. Kogi, A. Mase, K. Kudo, M. Ignatenko, N. Ito, T. Tokuzawa, Y. Nagayama, K, Kawahata, M. Aoi, E. Sakata
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 2 604 - 605 2005年9月
Development of new detector for millimeter wave imaging 査読
Y. Kogi, A. Mase, K. Kudo, M. Ignatenko, N. Ito, T. Tokuzawa, Y. Nagayama, K, Kawahata, M. Aoi, E. Sakata
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves 2 604 - 605 2005年9月
★✩Numerical Study of the Location of the Microwave Imaging Reflectometer Object Plane✩★ 査読
M. Ignatenko, A. Mase, L. Bruskin, Y. Kogi, and H. Hojo
Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research 81 ( 6 ) 419 - 420 2005年
An Ultrashort-Pulse Reflectometry for LHD Plasmas 査読
Y. Kogi, A. Mase, M. Ignatenko, K. Uchida, K. Kudo, K. Nishiyama, H. Hojo, K. Kawahata, Y. Nagayama, T. Tokuzawa
Proceedings of International Reflectometry Workshop IRW7 2005, Garching, Germany, May 9-12, 2005 2005年
Numerical Study of Microwave Imaging Reflectometry for Measurements of Density Fluctuations Spectra for GAMMA10 Geometry 査読
? M. Ignatenko,間瀬 淳,L. Bruskin,近木祐一郎,北條仁士
Proc. 12th Int. Symp. on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Snowbirds (2005年9月). 2005年
Microwave Imaging Diagnostics in LHD 査読
? 長山好夫,R. Pavlichenko,M. Ignatenko,川端一男,間瀬 淳,近木祐一郎
Proc. Plasma Science Symposium 2005 and 22nd Symposium on Plasma Processing, Nagoya 89-90頁 (2005年1月) 2005年
Numerical study of microwave imaging reflectometer for a tandem mirror device
Ignatenko M., Mase A., Bruskin L., Kogi Y., Hojo H.
Fusion Science and Technology 47 183 - 186 2005年
出版者・発行元:Fusion Science and Technology
Applicability of microwave imaging reflectometry (MIR) for the case of mirror device was numerically studied. The questions concerning radial localization of measurements, optimal position of optical system and imaging properties of MIR system were considered. The high curvature of the plasma cutoff layer and a relatively small distance from the plasma to the port are known to improve the performance of a conventional reflectometer. Nevertheless in the case of density fluctuations with wide wavenumber spectrum and large amplitude, the imaging reflectometry shows better results than the conventional one.
DOI: 10.13182/FST05-A635
Development of quasi-optical technology for microwave diagnostics in LHD
Sugito S., Nagayama Y., Ignatenko M., Inagaki S., Kogi Y., Mase A., Pavlichenko R.O., Yamaguchi S.
Proceedings - Symposium on Fusion Engineering 2005年
出版者・発行元:Proceedings - Symposium on Fusion Engineering
This paper presents development of quasi-optical microwave technology for ECE and reflectometry diagnostics in the Large Helical Device (LHD). The ECE for the electron temperature measument is transmitted with the corrugated wave guide system. Technology for Microwave imaging, sucn as imaging reflectometry and ECE imaging, has been developed to visualize 3D view of turbulence. © IEEE.
Numerical Study of Microwave Imaging Reflectometer for a Tandem Mirror Device 査読
M. Ignatenko,間瀬 淳,L. Bruskin,近木祐一郎,北條仁士
Trans. Fusion Sci. Tech. 47 ( IT ) 183 - 186 2005年
Effects of Asymmetry and Target Location on Microwave Imaging Reflectometry 査読
M. Ignatenko, 間瀬 淳,L. G. Bruskin,近木祐一郎,北條仁士
Rev. Sci. Instrum 75 ( 10 ) 3810 - 3812 2004年10月
Effects of asymmetry and target location on microwave imaging reflectometry
Ignatenko M., Mase A., Bruskin L.G., Kogi Y., Hojo H.
Review of Scientific Instruments 75 ( 10 II ) 3810 - 3812 2004年10月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
In this article we perform a numerical study of microwave imaging reflectometry (MIR) and compare it with conventional reflectometry system. As an approximation to the reflections by real plasma fluctuations, a corrugated wheel is used. As far as general performance is concerned, our simulations confirm the results by Munsat et al. [Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 45, 469 (2003)] that the MIR system reproduces shape of corrugation far from the wheel while conventional systems fail to do so. We addressed the effects of asymmetry and defocusing of the wheel-reflectometer system as well as spectral sensitivity of the imaging reflectometer. For a particular geometry we estimated the deterioration of the MIR performance due to misalignments and existence of broadband fluctuations. ©2004 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.1788850
Ultrashort-pulse reflectometer on LHD
Kogi Y., Uchida K., Mase A., Bruskin L., Ignatenko M., Tokuzawa T., Nagayama Y., Kawahata K.
Review of Scientific Instruments 75 ( 10 II ) 3837 - 3839 2004年10月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
We have applied an ultrashort-pulse reflectometer to large helical device plasmas for density profile measurement. The frequency range of the impulse is up-converted into the R band, which corresponds to the cutoff frequency of edge plasma region in the ordinary mode. The reflected wave from plasma is received and directly recorded by a sampling scope. This system can be controlled and monitored from remote site (Kyushu University) by using ultrawideband science information network (super-SINET) that ideal bandwidth reaches up to 1 Gbps. As a result of the measurement, we have confirmed reflection wave from the plasma when the plasma density reaches steady state during the measurement. © 2004 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.1786645
Microwave Imaging Reflectometry of Corrugated Metal Targets 査読
Maxim Ignatenko、間瀬 淳,Leonid Bruskin、近木祐一郎、北條仁士
J. Plasma Fusion Res. 80 ( 2 ) 87 - 89 2004年2月
Ultrashort-pulse reflectometer on LHD 査読
Yuichiro Kogi, Kazuyuki Uchida, Atsushi Mase, Leonid Bruskin, Maxim Ignatenko, Tokihiko Tokuzawa, Yoshio Nagayama, and Kazuo Kawahata
Rev. Sci. Instrum 75 ( 10 ) 3837 - 3839 2004年
Application of Microwave Imaging System for Density Fluctuation Measurements on Large Helical Device 査読
? R. Pavlichenko,長山好夫,川端一男,M. Ignatenko,近木祐一郎,間瀬 淳
Proc. 12th Int. Cong. on Plasma Physics, Nice (2004年) ccsd-00002038 2004年
Recent diagnostic developments on LHD
Sudo S., Nagayama Y., Peterson B.J., Kawahata K., Akiyama T., Ashikawa N., Emoto M., Goto M., Hamada Y., Ida K., Ido T., Iguchi H., Inagaki S., Isobe M., Kobuchi T., Komori A., Liang Y., Masuzaki S., Minami T., Morisaki T., Morita S., Muto S., Nakamura Y., Nakanishi H., Narushima M., Narihara K., Nishiura M., Nishizawa A., Ohdachi S., Osakabe M., Ozaki T., Pavlichenko R.O., Sakakibara S., Sato K., Shoji M., Tamura N., Tanaka K., Toi K., Tokuzawa T., Watanabe K.Y., Watanabe T., Yamada H., Yamada I., Yoshinuma M., Goncharov P., Kalinina D., Kanaba T., Sugimoto T., Ejiri A., Ono Y., Hojo H., Ishii K., Iwama N., Kogi Y., Mase A., Sakamoto M., Kondo K., Nagasaki H., Yamamoto S., Nishino N., Okajima S., Saida T., Sasao M., Takeda T., Tsuji-Iio S., Darrow D.S., Takahashi H., Liu Y., Lyon J.F., Kostrioukov A.Y., Kuteev V.B., Sergeev V., Viniar I., Krasilnikov A.V., Sanin A., Vyacheslavov L.N., Stutman D., Finkenthal M., Motojima O.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 45 ( 12 A ) 2003年12月
出版者・発行元:Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
Standard diagnostics for fundamental plasma parameters and for plasma physics are routinely utilized for daily operation and physics studies in the large helical device (LHD) with high reliability. Diagnostics for steady-state plasma are under intensive development, especially for Te, ne (yttrium-aluminium garnet (YAG) laser Thomson, CO2 laser polarimeter), data acquisition in steady-state and heat-resistant probes. To clarify the plasma properties of the helical structure, two- or three-dimensional diagnostics are being aggressively developed: tangential cameras (fast SX TV, photon counting CCD, Hα TV); tomography (tangential SX CCD, bolometer); imaging (bolometer, ECE, reflectometer). Divertor and edge physics are important key issues for steady-state operation. Diagnostics for neutral flux (Hα array, Zeeman spectroscopy) and ne (fast scanning probe, Li beam probe, pulsed radar reflectometer) are also in advanced stages of development. In addition to these, advanced diagnostics are being intensively developed in LHD through domestic and international collaborations.
Application of Ultrashort-Pulse Reflectometry to Large Helical Device
Kogi Y., Mase A., Ohsako S., Ignatenko M., Yasuda T., Bruskin L.G., Hojo H., Tokuzawa T., Inagaki S., Nagayama Y., Kawahata K.
IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science 2003年10月
出版者・発行元:IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science
The ultrashort-pulse refrectometer (USRM) system is being prepared to apply to Large Helical Device (LHD). At the present time, we preliminary applied this USRM system to a metal plate as a target, and confirmed that detection time of the reflected pulse is delayed proportionally as increasing in double path length. Recently, we are constructing the USRM system at National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS). The experiment using this USRM system will be performed since February this year. The USRM system for LHD is as follows. The system utilize an impulse generator as a source, which can transmit an impulse with a pulse width of 22 ps and a voltage amplitude of 3 V. The impulse is fed to an active frequencydoubler via a WD-750 waveguide and a low loss coaxicial cable to produce higher frequency component suitable for high density plasma such as LHD plasma. The charped millimeter wave is amplified by a wide band power amplifier and transmitted by a conical horn in ordinary (O) mode. We utilize optical lenses in front of the transmitter and the receiver. The reflected wave is received by the receiver horn and amplified by low-noise amplifiers. The signal is recorded directly by a high-speed sampling scope (50 GSample/s). The repetition rate of impulse transmission is fixed at 1GHz, and data acquisition is completed for 10 ms. In the analysis for reconstructing density profile from the signal, we utilize signal record analysis (SRA) method, which can introduce less receiver channel requirements and reliable profile reconstruction. The SRA is the method that utilizes a phase difference at each frequency between presence and absence of plasma rather than a time delay at each frequency. In the conference, we will report the result of application of the USRM system to LHD.
Advancement of Millimeter-Wave Imaging Diagnpstics on LHD 査読
間瀬 淳,近木祐一郎,L. Bruskin, M. Ignatenko、安田泰造,内田和之,西依幸一郎,川端一男、長山好夫,北條仁士、松隈正明,青井正司,坂田栄二
Conf. Digest 28th Int. Conf. on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Ohtsu 83 - 84 2003年9月
Ultrashort-pulse reflectometry for steady-state plasmas
Kogi Y., Mase A., Ohsako S., Yamamoto A., Yasuda T., Bruskin L.G., Hojo H.
Review of Scientific Instruments 74 ( 3 II ) 1510 - 1513 2003年3月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
An ultrashort-pulse reflectometry (USRM) for steady-state plasmas was discussed. A frequency upconverter and an active doubler were utilized for the the generation of the pulse with higher frequency up to 90 GHz. The generation of the upconverted pulse in the range of 60-90 GHz and the second-harmonic frequency in the range of 26-40 GHz was confirmed.
DOI: 10.1063/1.1530351
Measurements of density fluctuations in reflectometry of cylindrical plasmas
Bruskin L.G., Oyama N., Shinohara K., Miura Y., Kogi Y., Mase A., Hasegawa M., Hanada K.
Review of Scientific Instruments 74 ( 3 II ) 1473 - 1476 2003年3月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
A study was performed on the measurements of density fluctuations in reflectometry of cylindrical plasmas. A fluctuation reflectometry model capable of handling the plasma profiles of arbitrary shape and curvature was developed. The advantage of the analytical model was its simplicity and low consumption of computational resources.
DOI: 10.1063/1.1538355
Electron cyclotron emission imaging on a Large Helical Device
Mase A., Kogi Y., Ohashi M., Ohsako S., Nagayama Y., Kawahata K., Aoi S., Sakata E.
Review of Scientific Instruments 74 ( 3 II ) 1445 - 1448 2003年3月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
The electron cyclotron emission (ECE) imaging system for the large helical device (LHD) was presented. The imaging system consists of optics installed inside the vacuum chamber of LHD. The ECE signals were down-converted at the mixers and the IF signal was fed to a filter bank.
DOI: 10.1063/1.1530384
Ultrashort-Pulse Reflectometry for Steady-State Plasmas 査読
Y. Kogi, A. Mase, S. Osako, T. Yasuda, L. G. Bruskin, H .Hojo
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74 ( 3 ) 1510 - 1513 2003年
Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging on LHD 査読
A. Mase, Y. Kogi, S. Ohashi, S. Osako, Y. Nagayama, K. Kawabata, S. Aoi, E. Sakata
Rev. Sci. Instrum 74 ( 3 ) 1446 - 1448 2003年
Measurement of Density Fluctuations in Reflectometry of Cylindrical Plasma 査読
L. G. Bruskin, N. Oyama, K. Shinohara, Y. Miura, Y. Kogi, A. Mase, M. Hasegawa, K. Hanada
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74 ( 3 ) 1473 - 1476 2003年
Development and Application of Millimeter-Wave Imaging Radar 査読
MASE Atsushi, KOGI Yuichiro, YAMAMOTO Akihide, OHASHI Masamichi, OSAKO Shuhei, BRUSKIN Leonid G. and HOJO Hitoshi
J. Plasma Fusion Res. 78 ( 5 ) 439 - 446 2002年
Progress in Millimeter-Wave Imaging Diagnostics 査読
A. Mase, Y. Kogi, K. Kawahata, Y. Nagayama, N. C. Luhmann, Jr., B. H. Deng, C. W. Domier, E. Mazzucato, T. Munsat, H. K. Park
Trans. Fusion Sci. Tech. 43 ( IT ) 237 - 242 2002年
Analytical study of ultra-short pulse reflectometry
Bruskin L.G., Mase A., Yamamoto A., Kogi Y.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 43 ( 10 ) 1333 - 1349 2001年10月
出版者・発行元:Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
The results of an analytical treatment of the time-dependent 2D full-wave equation are presented here for the case of ultra-short pulse (USP) reflectometry. We consider several models of the plasma geometry, namely linear and nonlinear slab models, as well as a 2D plasma density profile with cylindrical symmetry. The latter model is more realistic when compared to the 1D stratified plasma models previously employed in all the analytical, and most numerical, treatments, since the plasma in fusion toroidal devices, mirror machines and plasma processing chambers can often be considered axially symmetric on the scale relevant to microwave reflectometry. Based on the results of analytical modelling, a signal record analysis method of profile reconstruction is proposed. The method has the advantage of using raw signal records instead of poorly localized frequency modes, which makes it robust for the profile measurements using USP reflectometry.
ECE Imaging Work on LHD 査読
N.Ohashi, A.Mase, Y.Kogi, A.Yamamoto, S.Osako, K.Kawabata, Y.Nagayama, H.Matsuura, A.Miura
Proc. of the 10th Int. Symp. on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Fukuoka 166 - 171 2001年9月
Ultrashort-Pulse Reflectometry for Density Profile Measurement of a Steady State Plasma 査読
A. Yamamoto, A.Mase, Y.Kogi, S.Ohashi, S.Osako, L.G.Bruskin, H.Hojo
Proc. of the 10th Int. Symp. on Laser-Aided Plasma Diagnostics, Fukuoka 209 - 213 2001年9月
Measurement of Ultrashort-Pulse Cross-Polarization Scattering in a Tandem Mirror 査読
Yuichiro Kogi, Atsushi Mase, Hitoshi Hojo, Akiyosi Itakura, Makoto Ichimura and Kiyoshi Yatsu
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 40 ( Part2 No8A ) L841-843 2001年8月
Axial profile measurement of Alfvén ion cyclotron eigenmodes
Nakamura M., Ichimura M., Ohta Y., Oikawa M., Tanaka S., Kogi Y., Shima Y., Saosaki S., Kadoya K., Kawabata T., Kano H., Itakura A., Hojo H., Mase A., Yatsu K.
Review of Scientific Instruments 72 ( 1 II ) 394 - 397 2001年1月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
In the GAMMA10 tandem mirror, a strong ion cyclotron range of frequency heating is performed. As a result of the heating, the Alfvén ion cyclotron (AIC) modes are spontaneously excited due to the strong temperature anisotropy. The AIC modes in the GAMMAlO are excited as the axial eigenmodes and detected at the whole of the device. In the recent experiments, the clear standing wave structure is observed with the magnetic probe measurements. Characteristics of the AIC modes and the measurement of the axial profile are presented. © 2001 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.1309008
Measurement of Cross-Polarization Scattering Using Ultrashort Pulse Microwaves 査読
Y. Kogi, A. Mase, H. Hojo, A. Itakura, M. Ichimura, and T. Tamano
Review of Scientific Instruments 72 ( Issue 1 ) 335 - 358 2001年1月
Microwave reflectometry in the GAMMA 10 device
Itakura A., Goto N., Katoh M., Kogi Y., Shima Y., Hojo H., Yatsu K., Kubota S., Mase A., Onuma T.
Fusion Technology 39 ( 1 T ) 265 - 268 2001年1月
出版者・発行元:Fusion Technology
Two types of microwave reflectometries are installed in the GAMMA 10 device for electron density profile and fluctuation measurement. By trying several methods of frequency analysis, the distribution of fluctuation is simultaneously observed. Furthermore, magnetic fluctuation is observed by cross-polarization scattering method.
Measurement of cross-polarization scattering using ultrashort pulse microwaves
Kogi Y., Mase A., Hojo H., Itakura A., Ichimura M., Tamano T.
Review of Scientific Instruments 72 ( 1 II ) 355 - 358 2001年1月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
A numerical simulation of cross-polarization scattering (CPS) was performed by using frequency dependent finite difference time domain [(FD)2TD] method. In the CPS process, an incident ordinary (extraordinary) wave is converted to an extraordinary (ordinary) wave by magnetic fluctuations in a plasma. It is confirmed in the simulation that an incident wave propagates in an anisotropic dispersive media properly. The relation between scattered electric field and magnetic fluctuations is also obtained. © 2001 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.1309000
Axial Profile Measurement of Alfven Ion Cyclotron Eigenmodes 査読
M. Nakamura, M. Ichimura, Y. Ohta, M. Oikawa, S. Tanaka, Y. Kogi, Y. Shima, S. Saosaki, K. Kadoya, T. Kawabata, H. Kano, A. Itakura, H. Hojo, A. Mase, and K. Yatsu
Review of Scientific Instruments 72 ( Issue 1 ) 394 - 397 2001年1月
Akiyosi Itakura, Naoki Goto, Masayuki Katoh, Yuicihro Kogi, Yoriko Shima, Hitoshi Hojo, Kiyoshi Yatsu, Shigeyuki Kubota, Atsushi Mase, and Tsuyoshi Onuma
ANS Transaction of Fusion Technology 39 265 2001年
Enhanced Axial Loss of Electrons from a Tandem Mirror Induced by an Alfven Ion Cyclotron Wave 査読
T. Saito, M. Ichimura, Y. Kiwamoto, A. Mase, Y. Tatematsu, H. Abe, K. Kajiwara, Y. Kogi, M. Nakamura, S. Umehara, Y. Yosihmura and K. Yatsu
Physical Review Letters 82 ( 6 ) 1169 - 1172 1999年2月
Cross-polarization scattering from low-frequency electromagnetic waves in the GAMMA10 tandem mirror
Kogi Y., Mase A., Bruskin L.G., Oyama N., Tokuzawa T., Kubota S., Itakura A., Ichimura M., Hojo H., Tamano T., Yatsu K.
Review of Scientific Instruments 70 ( 1 II ) 991 - 994 1999年1月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
A cross-polarization scattering (CPS) diagnostic method was applied to the GAMMA10 tandem mirror in order to study electromagnetic plasma waves with frequency less than 10 MHz. In the CPS process, an incident ordinary (extraordinary) wave is converted to an extraordinary (ordinary) wave by magnetic fluctuations in a plasma. The frequency spectra, and the density and magnetic fluctuations of the waves can be evaluated from both the CPS and reflectometry. The converted wave propagates through the cutoff layer and reaches a different diagnostic port with a receiver horn. The observed waves are identified as the electromagnetic drift wave assuming the wave number matching condition. The low frequency waves nonlinearly coupled with the Alfven ion cyclotron waves are also observed with increase in the plasma pressure. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.1149423
Cross-polarization scattering from low-frequency electromagnetic waves in the GAMMA10 tandem mirror 査読
Review of Scientific Instruments 70 ( Issue 1 ) 991 - 994 1999年1月
Tokuzawa T., Mase A., Oyama N., Kogi Y., Goto N., Bruskin L.G., Kubota S., Itakura A., Yatsu K.
Review of Scientific Instruments 70 ( 1 II ) 1068 - 1071 1999年1月
出版者・発行元:Review of Scientific Instruments
Numerical simulations of frequency modulation (FM) reflectometry are carried out for the effects of density fluctuations on phase measurements. It is found that the fluctuation amplitude, the fluctuation frequency, the sweep time of a source, and the beat frequency of a mixer output play the important roles. The reliability of density profile measurement is investigated for various sweep times and local path lengths. It is demonstrated that the reconstructed density profiles seem to be improved when the sweep time is faster than 100 μs and the local path length is shorter than 1 m. The numerical simulations are compared with the experimental results obtained from a broadband FM reflectometer applied to the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror. © 7999 American Institute of Physics.
DOI: 10.1063/1.1149499
The effects of density fluctuation on density profile measurements using a broadband frequency modulated reflectometer 査読
Review of Scientific Instruments 70 ( Issue 1 ) 1068 - 1071 1999年1月
Density profile and fluctuation measurements with microwave reflectometry on GAMMA 10
Mase A., Tokuzawa T., Bruskin L.G., Kogi Y., Kubota S., Oyama N., Onuma T., Goto N., Negishi H., Shima Y., Itakura A., Hojo H., Ichimura M., Tamano T., Yatsu K.
Fusion Technology 35 ( 1 SPEC. ISS. ) 210 - 214 1999年
出版者・発行元:Fusion Technology
The microwave reflectometry using FM and ultrashort-pulse radar techniques have been applied to GAMMA 10 in order to diagnose plasma density profile and fluctuations. The reliability of profile measurement using the FM reflectometer is investigated for various sweep times and local path length. It is demonstrated that the reconstructed density profiles seem to be improved when the sweep time is faster than 50-100 μs. The several reconstruction algorithms are introduced to analyze the fast time-varying data, such as, the maximum-entropy method and wavelet analysis as well as zero-cross fringe counting and digital complex demodulation method. The reflectometers are applied to the measurement of density/magnetic fluctuations. The space-and time-resolving spectra of rf waves as well as low-frequency waves are obtained. The density and magnetic-field fluctuations are evaluated from both the reflectometer and cross-polarization scattering diagnostic method.
Enhanced axial loss of electrons from a tandem mirror induced by an alfvén ion cyclotron wave
Saito T., Ichimura M., Kiwamoto Y., Mase A., Tatematsu Y., Abe H., Kajiwara K., Kogi Y., Nakamura M., Umehara S., Yoshimura Y., Yatsu K.
Physical Review Letters 82 ( 6 ) 1169 - 1172 1999年
出版者・発行元:Physical Review Letters
Increases in the flux and temperature of end-loss electrons are observed following excitation of an Alfvén ion cyclotron (AIC) mode in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror. Electron loss power carried to an end wall becomes more than twice as large as that without the AIC mode. The increases in the electron flux and temperature are observed only when the parallel phase velocity of the AIC mode matches with the electron thermal velocity, strongly suggesting that the parallel electron acceleration is due to electron Landau damping of the AIC mode. © 1999 The American Physical Society.
Density Profile and Fluctuation Measurements Using Microwave Reflectometry 査読
MASE Atsushi, TOKUZAWA Tokihiko, BRUSKIN Leonid G. , KOGI Yuichiro, KUBOTA Shigeyuki, OYAMA Naoyuki,ONUMA Tsuyoshi, GOTO Naoki, ITAKURA Akiyosi, ICHIMURA Makoto, HOJO Hitoshi, TAMANO Teruo and YATSU Kiyoshi
Journal of Plasma and Fusion Reserch, 74 ( 10 ) 1189 - 1200 1998年
Cross-polarization scattering from low-frequency waves in a tandem mirror plasma
Kogi Y., Mase A., Bruskin L.G., Oyama N., Tokuzawa T., Itakura A., Hojo H., Tamano T.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2: Letters 36 ( 5 A ) 1997年5月
出版者・発行元:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2: Letters
Cross-polarization scattering (CPS) diagnostic was applied to the central-cell plasma of the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror in order to study electromagnetic plasma waves with frequencies of less than 200 kHz. In the CPS process, an incident ordinary (extraordinary) wave is converted to an extraordinary (ordinary) wave by magnetic fluctuations in a plasma. The converted wave propagates through the cutoff layer and reaches the opposite diagnostic port. The experimental data suggest that the power spectral density of the CPS signal satisfies the Bragg condition, while the reflectometer detects the waves near the cutoff layer where the wave number cannot be resolved.
DOI: 10.1143/jjap.36.l587
Cross-Polarization Scattering from Low-Frequency Waves in a Tandem Mirror Plasma 査読
Yuichiro KOGI, Atsushi MASE, Leonid G. BRUSKIN, Naoyuki OYAMA, Tokihiko TOKUZAWA, Akiyosi ITAKURA, Hitoshi HOJO and Teruo TAMANO
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 36 ( Part2 No5A ) L587-589 1997年5月
Development of the calibration method for the multi-channel sea–tide measurement radar 査読
Iori Gondo; Yuichiro Kogi; Atsushi Mase; Hiroyuki Ikezi; Masaaki Inutake
2020 6th International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and Technology (ICEAST)
出射 浩、間瀬 淳、川端一男、長山好夫、吉永智一、近木祐一郎、徳沢季彦、江尻晶、久保 伸、田中謙治、西浦正樹、秋山 毅志、 Austine E. Max、北条仁士
プラズマ核融合学会誌 2011年6月
担当ページ:Vol. 87(No. 6)339-344 記述言語:日本語
リアルタイム画像レーダ★✩Live SAR✩★およびレーダソフト”SAR-Tools”の開発
近木祐一郎、 他15名
東北大学電気通信研究所共同プロジェクト研究会 ”民生用合成開口レーダ(SAR)システムの開発と応用 2012年2月
Broadband Multichannel Radiometer for ECE Measurements on KSTAR
Kawahata, K., Nagayama, Y., Tsuchiya, H., Mase, A. (Kyushu Univ.), Kogi, Y. (Fukuoka Inst. of Tech.), Lee, K.D. (NFRI), Jeong, S.H. (KAERI)
Computational Study for Microwave Tomography System Implementatio
Teranishi, M. (Hiroshima Inst. Tech.), Iwama, N. (Daido Univ.), Yamaguchi, S. (Kansai Univ.), Hosoda, Y. (Fukui Univ.), Abe, K. (Shotoku Gakuin Univ.), Kogi, Y. (Fukuoka Inst. Tech.), Mase, A. (Kyushu Univ.), Nagayama, Y
Development of Advanced Microwave Devices and Application to LHD Diagnostic System
Mase, A., Ito, N., Komada, Y. (KASTEC, Kyushu Univ.), Kogi, Y. (FIT), Kawahata, K., Tokuzawa, T., Nagayama, Y
Development of Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging System on LHD
Kuwahara, D., Tsuji-Iio, S. (Tokyo Tech.), Nagayama, Y., Yoshinaga, T., Tsuchiya, H., Yamaguchi, S. (Kansai Univ.), Kogi, Y. (Fukuoka Inst. of Tech.), Mase, A. (Kyushu Univ. KASTEC
Development of 3-D Microwave Imaging Diagnostic System (MIDS) in LHD
Nagayama, Y., Yoshinaga, T., Tsuchiya, H., Kuwahara, D., Tsuji-Iio, S. (Tokyo Tech.), Yamaguchi, S. (Kansai Univ.), Kogi, Y. (Fukuoka Inst. Tech.), Ito, N., Mase, A. (KASTEC, Kyushu Univ.)
Development of Digital Based Millimeterwave Interferometer and Application to Electron Density Imaging at the Potential Barrier Region on GAMMA1
Kogi, Y. (Fukuoka Inst. of Tech.), Yoshikawa, M. (Univ. Tsukuba), Mase, A. (Kyushu Univ.), Nagayama, Y., Kawahata, K
Development of Digital-based Millimeter-wave Interferometer and its Application to High Spatial Resolution Measurement of Electron Density Distributio
Kogi, Y. (Fukuoka Inst. of Tech.), Yoshikawa, M. (Univ. Tsukuba), Mase, A. (Kyushu Univ.), Nagayama, Y., Kawahata, K
Optimization Study of Density Reconstruction Method by Microwave Reflectometry in Large Plasma Devices
Mase, A., Yokota, Y. (KASTEC, Kyushu Univ.), Kogi, Y. (Fukuoka Inst. of Tech.), Kawahata, K., Tokuzawa, T
Optics System Design for Microwave Imaging Reflectometry in LHD
Yoshinaga, T., Nagayama, Y., Tsuchiya, H., Kuwahara, D., Tsuji-Iio, S. (Tokyo Tech.), Yamaguchi, S. (Kansai Univ.), Kogi, Y. (Fukuoka Institute of Technology), Hojo, H. (Univ. Tsukuba), Mase, A. (Kyushu Univ.
Development of Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging System on LH
Kuwahara, D., Tsuji-Iio, S. (Tokyo Tech.), Nagayama, Y., Yoshinaga, T., Tsuchiya, H., Sugito, S., Yamaguchi, S. (Kansai Univ.), Kogi, Y. (Fukuoka Inst. of Tech.), Mase, A. (Kyushu Univ. KASTEC
Development of Microwave Imaging Diagnostic System (MIDS) in LHD
Nagayama, Y., Yoshinaga, T., Hamada, Y., Tsuchiya, H., Kuwahara, D., Tsuji-Iio, S. (Tokyo Inst. Tech.), Yamaguchi, S. (Kansai Univ.), Hojo, H. (Tsukuba Univ.), Kogi, Y. (Fukuoka Inst. Tech.), Akaki, K., Mase, A. (KASTEC, Kyushu Univ.), Shi, Z. (SWIP, China)
Development and Application of Electron Cyclotron Emission System on KSTAR
Kogi, Y. (Fukuoka Inst. of Tech.), Jeong, S.H. (KAERI), Lee, K.D., Kwon, M. (NFRI), Akaki, K., Mase, A. (Kyushu Univ.), Kuwahara, D. (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Yoshinaga, T., Nagayama, Y., Kawahata, K.
近木祐一郎、神田 豊
福岡工業大学エレクトロニクス研究所所報 27 5 2010年10月
Development of Microwave Imaging Technolog
Yamaguchi, S., Kitade, N. (Kansai Univ.), Nagayama, Y., Nishimura, T., Yoshinaga, T., Kuwahara, D. (Tokyo Tech.), Teranishi, M. (Hiroshima Inst. of Tech.), Iwama, N. (Daido Univ.), Kogi, Y. (Fukuoka Inst. of Tech.), Mase, A. (Kyushu Univ. KASTEC
池地弘行、 近木祐一郎
平成21年度東北大学電気通信研究所共同プロジェクト研究会 “民生用合成開口レーダ(SAR)システム開発の課題と展望” 2010年2月
池地弘行、 近木祐一郎
九州大学KASTECセミナー 2009年2月
Measurement of ultrashort-pulse cross-polarization scattering in a tandem mirror
Kogi Y., Mase A., Hojo H., Itakura A., Ichimura M., Yatsu K.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2: Letters 40 ( 8 A ) 2001年8月
出版者・発行元:Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 2: Letters
Cross-polarization scattering (CPS) diagnostics using ultrashort pulse microwaves is applied to the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror for the measurement of internal magnetic fluctuations. The CPS process uses the mode conversion effect of electromagnetic waves by means of magnetic fluctuations in a plasma. The mode contamination of antennas and multiple reflections from the vacuum vessel make the CPS measurement difficult since they easily mask the CPS signal. By using polarizers and performing time-of-flight measurement on the ultrashort pulse, the spurious electromagnetic waves are eliminated and the identification of the CPS process is successful.
DOI: 10.1143/jjap.40.l841
電子情報通信学会総合大会 2024年3月 電子情報通信学会
開催年月日: 2024年3月 - 2024年4月
記述言語:日本語 会議種別:口頭発表(一般)
開催地:広島大学 国名:日本国
権藤偉央利・近木祐一郎(福岡工大)・間瀬 淳・池地弘行(九大)・犬竹正明(東北大)
開催年月日: 2021年9月
木村成美・近木祐一郎(福岡工大)・池地弘行(元九大)・犬竹正明(東北大)・間瀬 淳(九大)
開催年月日: 2021年9月
◎平 亜結美・近木祐一郎(福岡工大)・ 石田 薫・小山達也・奥長 剛・野田真奈美(日本ピラー工業)・伊藤直樹(宇部高専)・間瀬 淳(九大)
開催年月日: 2021年3月
間瀬 淳、近木祐一郎、桑原大介、長山好夫、土屋隼人、徳沢季彦、小波蔵純子、吉川正志、 伊藤直樹、王 小龍、J-H. Yu、Y-T. Chang、Y. Yu、Y. Zhu、K-Y. Lin、C. Chang、S. Chang、 B. J. Tobias、C. Muscatello、C. W. Domier、N. C. Luhmann, Jr.
開催年月日: 2018年12月
間瀬 淳、近木祐一郎、桑原大介、長山好夫、伊藤直樹、丸山 徹、池地弘行、王 小龍 犬竹正明、小波蔵純子、吉川正志
開催年月日: 2017年12月
間瀬 淳、近木祐一郎、桑原大介、長山好夫、池地弘行、伊藤直樹、小波蔵純子、 吉川正志、王 小龍、犬竹正明
開催年月日: 2017年9月
開催年月日: 2012年11月
LHD における電子サイクロトロン放射ラジオメーターの開発
椋木英貴,近木祐一郎,徳沢季彦,田村直樹,長山好夫, 土屋隼人,桑原大介,間瀬 淳,川端一男
開催年月日: 2012年11月
Development of antenna system and simulation of analysis method for digitally-controlled millimeter-wave interferometer
Yuichiro Kogi, Shingo Matsukawa, Masayuki Yoshikawa, Atsushi Mase, Yoshio Nagayama, and Kazuo Kawahata
Joint conference of 9th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement (OS2012) and 3rd Internationala Workshop on Plasma Material Interaction Facilities for Fusion (PMIF2012)
開催年月日: 2012年8月
開催地:つくば市 エポカルつくば
Mukunoki, et.al.
6th Japan-Korea Seminar on Advanced Diagnostics for Steady-State Fusion Plasmas
開催年月日: 2012年8月
digitally controlled interferometer
Matsukawa, et.al.
6th Japan-Korea Seminar on Advanced Diagnostics for Steady-State Fusion Plasmas
開催年月日: 2012年8月
開催地:Seogwipo Training Center of Jeju National University, Korea
桑原 大介, 長山 好夫、 土屋 隼人, 吉永 智一, 飯尾 俊二, 山口 聡一朗, 近木 祐一郎, 間瀬 淳
開催年月日: 2012年6月
Development of correlation electron cyclotron emission radiometer on LHD 国際会議
Hideki Mukunoki, Yuichiro Kogi, Tokihiko Tokuzawa, Naoki Tamura, Yoshio Nagayama, Hayato Tsuchiya, Daisuke Kuwahara, Atsushi Mase, Kazuo Kawahata
19th Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics
開催年月日: 2012年5月
開催地:Monterey, CA, USA
Development of 3D microwave imaging reflectometry in LHD 国際会議
Y. Nagayama, D. Kuwahara, T. Yoshinaga, Y. Hamada, Y. Kogi, A. Mase, H. Tsuchiya, S. Tsuji-Iio, S. Yamaguchi
19th Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics
開催年月日: 2012年5月
開催地:Monterey, CA, USA
Development of digitally-controlled millimeter-wave interferometer for precise electron density distribution measurement 国際会議
Yuichiro Kogi, Masayuki Yoshikawa, Shingo Matsukawa, Atsushi Mase, Yoshio Nagayama, and Kazuo Kawahata
19th Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics
開催年月日: 2012年5月
開催地:Monterey, CA, USA
近木祐一郎, 吉川正志、長山好夫、川端一男、間瀬 淳
開催年月日: 2010年12月
Two dimensional density and its fluctuation measurements by using phase imaging method in GAMMA10 国際会議
5. M. Yoshikawa, S. Negishi, Y. SHima, H. Hojo, A. Mase, Y. Kogi, and T. Imai
18th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics
開催年月日: 2010年5月
Calibration of electron cyclotron emission radiometer for KSTAR 国際会議
7. Y. Kogi, S. H. Jeong, K. D. Lee, K. Akaki, A. Mase, D. Kuwahara, T. Yoshinaga, Y. Nagayama, M. Kwon, K. Kawahata
18th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics
開催年月日: 2010年5月
Development of electron cyclotron emission imaging system on Large Helical Device 国際会議
6. D. Kuwahara, S. Iio, Y. Nagayama, T. Yoshinaga, H. Tsuchiya, S. Sugito, S. Yamaguchi, Y. Kogi, K. Akaki, A. Mase
18th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics
開催年月日: 2010年5月
間瀬 淳,伊藤 直樹, (福工大電情工) 近木 祐一郎 (九大院総理工) 横田 裕也,赤木 一彦,内野 喜一郎 (筑波大プラズマ) 北条 仁士 (核融合研) 石 中兵,桑原 大介,吉永 智一,長山 好夫, 徳沢 季彦,川端 一男 (関西大物工) 山口 聡一郎
プラズマ・核融合学会 九州・沖縄・山口支部
開催年月日: 2009年12月
デュアルダイポールアンテナアレイを用いた電子サイクロトロン放射 イメージングの研究
(九大院総理工) 赤木 一彦,内野 喜一郎 (九大産学連携セ) 間瀬 淳 (福工大電情工) 近木 祐一郎 (核融合研) 長山 好夫,川端 一男
プラズマ・核融合学会 九州・沖縄・山口支部
開催年月日: 2009年12月
LHD におけるX モード超短パルス反射計を用いたプラズマ密度分布再構成
(九大院総理工) 横田 裕也,間瀬 淳,内野 喜一郎, (福工大) 近木 祐一郎, (核融合研) 徳沢 季彦,川端 一男,長山 好夫 (筑波大) 北條 仁士
プラズマ・核融合学会 九州・沖縄・山口支部
開催年月日: 2009年12月
Microwave Imaging Diagnostics in LHD (1)
Y. Nagayama, T. Yoshinaga , D. Kuwahara, Z.B. Shi, S. Yamaguchi, Y. Hamada, S. Sugito, S. T. Iio, K. Akagi, Y. Kogi, A. Mase, H. Hojo
開催年月日: 2009年12月
吉永智一,桑原大介,石中兵,土屋隼人,山口聡一朗,近木祐一郎,飯尾俊二、間瀬 淳、杉戸正治
開催年月日: 2009年12月
D. Kuwahara, S. Tsuji-Iio, Y. Nagayama, T. Yoshinaga, Z.B. Shi , S. Yamaguchi Y. Kogi, A. Mase
開催年月日: 2009年12月
画像科学シンポジウム・バイオイメージングフォーラム 2012年3月
FVM10周年記念ビックマーケット・産学官連携セミナー 2010年1月
プラズマ科学シンポジウム2009 2009年2月
出願番号:特願2009-202981 出願日:2009年9月
出願番号:2009-150179 出願日:2009年6月
長山好夫、山口聡一郎、近木祐一郎、間瀬 淳
出願番号:特願2008-039009 出願日:2008年2月
犬竹 正明、池地 弘行、間瀬 淳、近木 祐一郎、佐藤 源之
特許番号/登録番号:特開2012-154863 ( P2012-154863A)
2023年5月 - 2024年3月
総務省 令和5年度戦略的情報通信研究開発推進事業(SCOPE)
近木 祐一郎
担当区分:研究代表者 資金種別:競争的資金
配分額:5818800円 ( 直接経費:4476000円 、 間接経費:1342800円 )
研究課題/領域番号:18K04672 2018年4月 - 2023年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
担当区分:研究代表者 資金種別:競争的資金
配分額:4420000円 ( 直接経費:3400000円 、 間接経費:1020000円 )
研究課題/領域番号:17K01310 2017年4月 - 2021年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C)
担当区分:研究分担者 資金種別:競争的資金
配分額:4680000円 ( 直接経費:3600000円 、 間接経費:1080000円 )
1cm分解能合成開口レーザレーダのための広帯域高精度遅延制御デジタル発振器の開 発
科研費 挑戦的萌芽研究
担当区分:研究代表者 資金種別:競争的資金
担当区分:研究分担者 資金種別:競争的資金
2013年 - 2014年
科研費 若手研究B
担当区分:研究代表者 資金種別:競争的資金
その他補助金 戦略的情報通信研究開発推進制度(SCOPE)
担当区分:研究分担者 資金種別:競争的資金
日米科学技術協力事業 研究者派遣 カリフォルニア大学デービス校 タイトル:マイクロ波イメージング計測システムの高性能化に関する研究
LHD一般共同研究 相互相関型ECEラジオメータを用いた電子温度乱流構造の解析
2009年 - 2011年
科研費 基盤研究(A)
担当区分:研究分担者 資金種別:競争的資金
双方向型共同研究(筑波大学GAMMA10) デジタルミリ波干渉計の開発とGAMMA10電位障壁形成部における電子密度イメージングへの適用
2009年 - 2011年
日韓核融合協力事業 KSTARにおける広帯域ECEラジオメータの校正実験と実験参加
2009年 - 2011年
2009年 - 2011年
科研費 若手研究B
担当区分:研究代表者 資金種別:競争的資金
LHD一般共同研究 ECEイメージングによる電子温度分布の可視化と熱輸送現象の研究
2008年 - 2011年
その他補助金 国土交通省 河川砂防技術研究開発公募 河川技術分野
担当区分:研究分担者 資金種別:競争的資金
2008年 - 2009年
科研費 挑戦的萌芽研究
担当区分:研究分担者 資金種別:競争的資金
2023年度 電気回路Ⅰ
2023年度 電気回路Ⅱ
2023年度 電子計測
2023年度 電子情報実験Ⅰ
2023年度 無線技術資格
2023年度 電子工学総合
2023年度 卒業研究
2023年度 電子計測工学特論Ⅰ
2023年度 電子情報工学演習II
2023年度 電子計測工学特別研究
2022年度 電気回路Ⅰ
2022年度 無線技術資格
2022年度 電子情報実験Ⅰ
2022年度 電気回路Ⅱ
2022年度 電子計測
2022年度 電子工学総合
2022年度 卒業研究
2022年度 電子計測工学特論Ⅰ
2022年度 電子情報工学演習I
2021年度 電気回路Ⅰ
2021年度 電子計測
2021年度 電子情報実験Ⅰ
2021年度 電気回路Ⅱ
2021年度 無線技術資格
2021年度 電子工学総合
2021年度 卒業研究
2021年度 電子計測工学特論Ⅰ
2021年度 電子情報工学演習I
2021年度 電子計測工学特別研究
2020年度 電気回路Ⅰ
2020年度 電気回路Ⅱ
2020年度 無線技術資格
2020年度 電子情報実験Ⅰ
2020年度 電子計測
2020年度 電子工学総合
2020年度 卒業研究
2020年度 電子計測工学特論Ⅰ
2020年度 電子情報工学演習I
2020年度 電子計測工学特別研究
2019年度 電気回路Ⅰ
2019年度 電子情報実験Ⅰ
2019年度 無線技術資格
2019年度 電子計測
2019年度 電気回路Ⅱ
2019年度 電子工学総合
2019年度 卒業研究
2019年度 電子計測工学特論Ⅰ
2019年度 電子情報工学演習I
2019年度 電子計測工学特別研究
2018年度 電気回路Ⅰ
2018年度 無線技術資格
2018年度 電気回路Ⅱ
2018年度 電子計測
2018年度 電子情報実験Ⅰ
2018年度 電子工学総合
2018年度 卒業研究
2018年度 電子計測工学特論Ⅰ
2018年度 電子情報工学演習I
2018年度 電子計測工学特別研究
2017年度 電気回路Ⅰ
2017年度 電気回路Ⅱ
2017年度 電子計測
2017年度 電子情報実験Ⅰ
2017年度 無線技術資格
2017年度 卒業研究
2017年度 電子工学総合
2017年度 電子情報工学演習I
2017年度 電子計測工学特論Ⅰ
2017年度 電子計測工学特別研究
2016年度 電気回路Ⅰ
2016年度 電気回路Ⅱ
2016年度 電子計測
2016年度 電子情報実験Ⅰ
2016年度 無線技術資格
2016年度 電子工学総合
2016年度 卒業研究
2016年度 電子情報工学演習I
2016年度 電子計測工学特論Ⅰ
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Citation Countは当該年に発表した論文の被引用数